is it safe to download?


I have not had any problems

I have not had any problems with files from this site.

Garmin 660; Nintendo DS soft carry case, YM, rd1chaos, Blackberry PIN 30154995, way too many gadgets to list here.

All the files that I

All the files that I downloaded were fine.
If you are worried, make sure you have the latest copy (and definitions) of antivirus.


100% safe.... if in doubt,

100% safe.... if in doubt, save to a location on your computer and do a virus scan before opening the file.

Garmin c340

alandang wrote:Just wonder

alandang wrote:

Just wonder these files are free of virus?

If you are referring to the POI files, there is no executable code in them so they won't have viruses.

If you follow a link to a software program that loads or modifies files, those are executable files and you would want to virus check them. Although most of the links are for commonly used software within the GPS world and have a very low probability of containing viruses.

I plan to live forever. So far, so good.


alandang wrote:

Just wonder these files are free of virus?

The .csv files are text files; and the chances of these being infected is virtually zero. (The files you have to be careful with are .exe files.) It's always a good idea to check the .csv file with a text editor to make sure it is, in fact, a text file and not an .exe file camouflaged with a .csv extension.

You can never be too careful. If you're working the internet without an updated anti-virus program, you're playing Russian Roulette. It would not be a matter of 'if' you're going to get a virus, it would be a matter of 'when'!

"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."