Man vs Food

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Last updated 12/24/2009

Raw file: Man vs Food.csv (14.53 KB)

Includes 135 locations in the following areas:

  • United States: AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, NC, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, SC, TX, WA
  • some may be in: DC, MO, MS, ON, TN, VA (near a border)

Here's my latest POI, based on the Travel Channel show "Man vs Food". This has all the locations that's aired so far. I'll update more as soon as new episodes air.
If any of the locations are wrong, please let me know the correct info and I'll update.

File Locations:
Season 1 Amarillo,Memphis,Pittsburgh,Columbus,Austin,Chicago,Atlanta,Boston,New York,New Orleans,Portland,Seattle,Los Angeles,St Louis,San Jose,Denver,North Carolina,Minneapolis

Season 2
San Antonio,Las Vegas,Charleston,San Francisco,Durham,Honolulu,Sarasota,Philadelphia,Baseball Special,Springfield,Boise,WashingtonDC,Baltimore,Detroit,Brooklyn,Anchorage,Little Rock,Tucson,New Jersey,Hartford

See also

Change History

  • tomtrip - Jan 13, 2011
    contributed BMP Icon