Registered vs active vs General maitainers


Hi Miss POI,

I saw the post about the most active users and, out of curiosity, I was wondering if you'd be willing to share with us the break down of the site's membership:

- Registered:
- Active Members:
- General Maintainers:
- POI contributor:

Just curious, but either way, we can see that this community is alive and well.




These are the numbers for this week:

139,663 - Registered:
471 - Active Members:
462 - General Maintainers:
I don't have an easy way to count this - POI contributor

We are indeed alive and well;)

Miss POI

RE: Numbers

Cool. As for the contributors, that's no big deal, I was just being nosy. (I tought it would be easy, as it has a badge assigned...)

Thanks for the info.


Yarf! 0.3%!

And I thought the 90-10 rule was harsh!

(that you get 90% from 10% of your population -- not only 90% of the contributions from 10%, but the flip side, 90% of your trouble from 10% of your population)

Guess that distribution skews more on the WWWeb!

Looking at one of the Mini Cooper sites (North American Motoring,, in any subsection of their forums, the contributions come from a handful of regulars.

Let's hear it for the active members, helping to build the web community!

Nuvi 2460, 680, DATUM Tymserve 2100, Trimble Thunderbolt, Ham radio, Macintosh, Linux, Windows

Re: Yarf! 0.3%!

I was thinking the same thing!

Wonder who the 9 'lurkers' are mrgreen (People that mostly read, looking for what they need, and do not post, or post very little).


the number?

Krieger wrote:

Wonder who the 9 'lurkers' are
(People that mostly read, looking for what they need, and do not post, or post very little).

139,663 - 471 = 139,192
Not exactly but in a very general sense, most fall into this category. They may have just enough time to look/see but not to post.

at 3:33 pm today

there are 69 guests, which are either members not signed on or just people surfing.
this come from the "Who's Online"

There are currently 35 users and 69 guests online.

Jerry...Jacksonville,Fl Nüvi1450,Nuvi650,Nuvi 2495 and Mapsource.

And a partridge in a pear

And a partridge in a pear treeeeeeeee! (LOL) Sorry, couldn't resist.

Your Portion Of Light Whether you are a brilliant flame or but a tiny spark matters not-for the world needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.


Maybe there are 139,192 people looking for solutions to GPS problems/questions. After all, this is a good place to find the answer!

Well, you can see that the

Well, you can see that the "registered user" count increases, that's good for our community. People know about the site and sooner or later, they will slowly contribute. That's how I was. I started as a browser, looking for tips/hints/help, then got into the site more and more. We'll reel them in!

NUVI 650

Me too! I started out just

Me too! I started out just looking and seeing what is out there. Then didn't do anything else. Then came back and looked again. It's a great site. Don't always have the time but want to be as active as I can on it. I figure if someone is taking their time to help me, I would at some point like to give back and contribute as well.
It's a give and take right? At least that is the way things should be anyway, I know some things are not but this site seems to have a great bunch of folks always willing to lend a hand. Especially when it's something that has already been covered and beat to death.........then here comes a newbie and has the same question!!!
I have been looking a lot of things up and reading the previous posts. It's a good thing.
Thanks for all you do and I hope I can add more as time goes on for my area.

Some of these POI's for places like my favorite restaruant, etc.....the only problem is that whenever I get a favorite it seems they go out of business....or something.....

Now Circuit City......sheesh.....
Oh well...we do the best we can.
I will try to help out on the local POI's that I know of as much as time permits!
Thanks everyone for contributing to making everyone else's life a little bit easier.......

And remember one can fix a lot of things but.......

YOU can't fix stupid

Re: the number?

bak276 wrote:
Krieger wrote:

Wonder who the 9 'lurkers' are
(People that mostly read, looking for what they need, and do not post, or post very little).

139,663 - 471 = 139,192
Not exactly but in a very general sense, most fall into this category. They may have just enough time to look/see but not to post.

By that, you are implying that every single person that ever registers to the site reads (frequently) from the site. Even though I'd like that to be the case grin, Miss POI has not released in this thread information that supports that, so you are making an assumption based on unavailable data: If any, some, or all of the 139,192 inactive users do read content from the site is unknown (at least to us).

However, it is known that there are 9 users that regularly log in, but do not post enough to make it to general maintainers.

And that, my friend, -technically- makes them lurkers. mrgreen


Came and went

Krieger wrote:

Wonder who the 9 'lurkers' are mrgreen (People that mostly read, looking for what they need, and do not post, or post very little).

Or those who have registered to see what POI Factory is about, then never return for whatever reason. confused

They aren't lurkers. They are one-time customers. sad

nüvi 750 & 760

ok clint


Jerry...Jacksonville,Fl Nüvi1450,Nuvi650,Nuvi 2495 and Mapsource.


wow! Look at those numbers, Thanks Miss POI.

Nuvi 760

Who? ME?

adcusnret wrote:


What? I'm here! I'm just doing my LURKING thing. I mean, I can't ALWAYS be the life of the party! (LOL)

Your Portion Of Light Whether you are a brilliant flame or but a tiny spark matters not-for the world needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.

Party's Over

Dang, clints here. The party's over, time to go home. wink

The ever seeing eye

GadgetGuy2008 wrote:

Dang, clints here. The party's over, time to go home. wink

I'm ALWAYS watching! (LOL)Hey, wasn't that YOU I saw with so and so the other day......Hmmmmmm?! (LOL)

Your Portion Of Light Whether you are a brilliant flame or but a tiny spark matters not-for the world needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.

there is a giant amount of

there is a giant amount of registered users compared to active!!

And which will you be?

And which will you be?

Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.