11 mph over the speed
Thu, 01/08/2009 - 8:46pm
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![]() ![]() 16 years
Just heard on the 5:30 pm news that all of the speed cameras here in Arizona are now set to trip over 11 mph ,,,Boy how nice they can be 1 more mph,, they said it will help to off set the inconsistency of the cameras. What a scam....
Glad we don't have any in
Glad we don't have any in our area...
Yep, no speed cameras in
Yep, no speed cameras in California either ---YET!
NUVI 680, NUVI 5000, MS S&T,
glad we don't have them here either
1 mph?
How does 1 mph help against inconsistency? The cameras will still be inconsistent, they will simply be inconsistent to an adjustment of 1 mph. Ridiculous.
How can this be legal? I
How can this be legal? I guess about as legal as red light camera's. I,m glad there are none in my area.
2 MPH!
Soon, they will make it 2 MPH!
Our speedometers are very accurate, you know.
What a Crock anything to
What a Crock anything to make abuck
I believe
the 11 MPH has been around way longer than the cameras. Here in NY when you get a ticket for speeding or any traffic infraction, there is a list of violations and fines. In the speeds section, the violations start from 11 MPH over the limit
Big Brother watching us.
We are just running a bit behind. What was that book by 1980 the government would have cameras everywhere watching everything we do? I did not believe it at the time. It now is looking closer and closer.
Umm, 3 mph over in Dover Tn.
Umm, 3 mph over in Dover Tn. $127 for those three over.
“Wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair and all the terrible things that happen to us, come because actually deserve them? So now I take comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the Universe”
California Cams
On highway 99 between Sacramento and Stockton there are some signs about speed cameras. I assume they are along there. Is that a hoax, jwc3006?
now does this include those
now does this include those mobile vans (SUVs) they are putting out on the freeways too? It's to the point where I just put the truck on cruise control at 63 and just forget it. No point in risking a $180 surprise.
the economy is down, they
the economy is down, they need to get it somewhere!
Ah Ha!
I just put the truck on cruise control at 63 and just forget it.
So you're the guy in the pickup truck I keep getting stuck behind on the freeways around here!
Just bustin' yer chops but one thing I've noticed about Phoenix area drivers since moving here, there is very little lane courtesy. Drivers seem to plant themselves in the fast lane (or wherever) and trundle along at whatever speed not caring a bit they're holding up a line of cars.
I'd heard early on that there was 10mph of wiggle room in the cameras so when the speed limit is 65 clear the fast lane baby, I'm at 74 (unless some member of the 'anti-destination league' in a truck is doing 63).
Garmin GPS III, GPS V, StreetPilot 2610, Mobile 10, Nuvi 660, Nuvi 760
I agree
one thing I've noticed about Phoenix area drivers since moving here, there is very little lane courtesy. Drivers seem to plant themselves in the fast lane (or wherever) and trundle along at whatever speed not caring a bit they're holding up a line of cars.
I'd heard early on that there was 10mph of wiggle room in the cameras so when the speed limit is 65 clear the fast lane baby, I'm at 74 (unless some member of the 'anti-destination league' in a truck is doing 63).
Boy John I couldn't agree more with you I mean these people get in these lanes and even when you are entering the freeway they speed up and won't let you in.
><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><- 4-Garmin Nuvi 760>>>> Owner: Sunrise Mechanical A/C & Heating,, Peoria, Arizona
Anti-Destination League
...one thing I've noticed about Phoenix area drivers since moving here, there is very little lane courtesy. Drivers seem to plant themselves in the fast lane (or wherever) and trundle along at whatever speed not caring a bit they're holding up a line of cars.
...(unless some member of the 'anti-destination league'...
Same happens up here around the Portland, Or./Vancouver, Wa. area, but they seem to prefer the fast lane. And will simply NOT move out of it for ANY REASON. Very Aggrivating. The 'Anti-Destination League' is in full force in the Pacific Northwest.
Even more aggrivating are the 'last minute exiters', and it's usually the same ADL folks. I've never seen anything like it 'til I moved up here from Florida three years ago. They wait til the absolute LAST minute to move out of the 'fast lane' across three lanes of traffic, sometimes all in one move, to exit the freeway. And they enter the freeway in the same manner! Down the on ramp, across three lanes in one move without even pausing to see which lane 'might' be moving faster, where they plant themselves for the next umpteen miles in their post double mocha latte enduced comas, just in time to come out of it again to cause a twelve car pileup in order to exit. Someday I might snap, and track one down and do unspeakable things to their person. Probably not, but one can dream.
I've heard truckers on the CB say 'the slow lane is the new hammer lane' and I find that to be true in spades.
No more 55 on the 10
I also heard that DPS will be increasing the speed limit to 65 on the 10 through cental Pheonix. The 17 and 51 will still have 55 mph zones.
They've already put up the new signs
I also heard that DPS will be increasing the speed limit to 65 on the 10 through cental Pheonix. The 17 and 51 will still have 55 mph zones.
The new signs are up between the Stack (I-10/I-17 interchange) and the Mini-Stack (I-10/SR-51/Loop202 interchange). Of course, I only go through there at rush hours, so it's usually pretty difficult to exceed 45, let alone 65.
One other point on this thread: I believe that 11 mph change was only made to cameras managed by DPS. I don't think the municipalities have to follow that standard.
We are just running a bit behind. What was that book by 1980 the government would have cameras everywhere watching everything we do? I did not believe it at the time. It now is looking closer and closer.
It was George Orwell and the title was 1984 written in 1949
I just put the truck on cruise control at 63 and just forget it.
So you're the guy in the pickup truck I keep getting stuck behind on the freeways around here!
Just bustin' yer chops but one thing I've noticed about Phoenix area drivers since moving here, there is very little lane courtesy. Drivers seem to plant themselves in the fast lane (or wherever) and trundle along at whatever speed not caring a bit they're holding up a line of cars.
I'd heard early on that there was 10mph of wiggle room in the cameras so when the speed limit is 65 clear the fast lane baby, I'm at 74 (unless some member of the 'anti-destination league' in a truck is doing 63).
haha. i keep to the right, but i do agree, people here love to park in the fast lanes. its really annoying.
I remember reading in maxim that Phoenix made #2 on the rudest drivers list. Miami was #1. I think memphis or nashville had the nicest drivers go figure.
oh and i am doing 8 over. youll never see me going any slower than the speed limit.
Many many DPS on the road
I just did a week long turnaround from Phoenix to Vegas. In addition to the stationery speed cameras and the roving SUV cameras, I saw many more DPS cruisers stopping drivers this trip than in the past four or five trips combined. I counted a total of 18 cruisers, eight on the trip to Nevada, and ten on the return to Phoenix.
On the Loop 101 two of the cruisers had drivers stopped immediately following the speed camera zones. I wonder if this enforcement is part of a plan to catch drivers that increase their speed after being out of camera range.
Don't speed on the way to Vegas or you will lose some of your gambling money!
11 MPH
As soon as the cameras are not making enough profit....The speed will come down to 5 mph over....
Just watch
Darwin award candidates?
Can't believe responsible road users would complain about red light or speed cameras - responsible road users do not speed or run red lights or do a lot of other stupid things.
If you do that do you roll through stop signs or not stop and look at rail crossings? All the same really.
Try the train crossing when there is a train approaching and get flattened - "poor motorist - hit by train" - Give them a Darwin Award (and if you don't know what that is Google it or just go to www.darwinawards.com).
no one is perfect
no one is perfect.
we need someone to pay the fine for budgeting ambulance/fire truck uses.
Hey Dark, do you have an
Hey Dark, do you have an xbox360 Live account with the name "DarkCanuck"? If so, you are on my x-box Live buddy list - if not, well never mind
it has always been over
it has always been over 11.
You couldnt get a ticket if going 10.
10 mph over is and has been allowed in AZ
cut back
I also heard that they may start cutting back on DPS patrol cars cause of the speed cameras and the use of the mobile vans,,,since that is there main fuction, Trafic control,,They make more $$$ and spend nothing on cars, gas, wages, ect. Kinda like the grociery stores and the automated check outs.
><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><- 4-Garmin Nuvi 760>>>> Owner: Sunrise Mechanical A/C & Heating,, Peoria, Arizona
Everything is subject to abuse
Can't believe responsible road users would complain about red light or speed cameras - responsible road users do not speed or run red lights or do a lot of other stupid things.
So, it depends on exactly how they are implemented.
If they are put in prudent locations and set to trigger properly, then I agree with you.
If the light cameras are set, for instance, to "get" everybody who doesn't get completely through the intersection before the red or the yellow is too short, then it is corruption and robbery.
In my town, there is an E-W couplet of streets that they decided YEARS ago to make into thorough-fares by making them one-way; one in each direction. Alas, they neglected to re-classify them for purposes of speed limits. So now we have these two beautiful two lane streets with a 30 limit. Guess where the city writes most of its speeding tickets? Guess what the traffic on those streets has done over the years......gone down to almost nothing as the traffic has migrated back to the nearby arterial streets with a higher limit.
I'm a little biased, however, because I got a ticket there recently; first one in 20 years.......not from a camera but a live cop with radar. 11 over. I'm sure the city would love to put a speed camera there.
Magellan Maestro 4250// MIO C310X
I bet you are wrong
it has always been over 11.
You couldnt get a ticket if going 10.
10 mph over is and has been allowed in AZ
I think it is extremely unlikely that any law actually says that. According to the letter of the law, I believe they could write you a ticket for ONE over if they wanted to.
Magellan Maestro 4250// MIO C310X
Cameras everywhere . . . .
We are just running a bit behind. What was that book by 1980 the government would have cameras everywhere watching everything we do? I did not believe it at the time. It now is looking closer and closer.
It was George Orwell and the title was 1984 written in 1949
You haven't been to England, camera's of all types everywhere. Mostly for security reasons. . . .
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Big brother
The governments are become more socialist everyday here in the great US of A, local, county, state and federal. They all are saying they know what is best for all citizens. More and more laws for everything!
Nuvi 760
1 over
it has always been over 11.
You couldnt get a ticket if going 10.
10 mph over is and has been allowed in AZ
I think it is extremely unlikely that any law actually says that. According to the letter of the law, I believe they could write you a ticket for ONE over if they wanted to.
The police can write for 1 over they can write for anything but they have decided to set the cameras for 11 over here in AZ. The mobile vans I not sure if they follow the same guide lines.
So drive the posted speed and avoid getting flashed.
><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><- 4-Garmin Nuvi 760>>>> Owner: Sunrise Mechanical A/C & Heating,, Peoria, Arizona
Just wait. For those that
Just wait. For those that don't have them--you will.
Responsible Road Users
Can't believe responsible road users would complain about red light or speed cameras - responsible road users do not speed or run red lights or do a lot of other stupid things.
I have not seen a driver yet that has not at one time or other exceeded the speed limit, and I dare say there is probably no one that has been driving for awhile that has never finished crossing an intersection a time or two before the light has turned red.
Speed limits are not always realistic and there are yellow lights that are way too short. A transgression here or there does not make someone an "irresponsible driver".
not sure
I'm not sure so I can only guess....was the 11 mph and extra mph over 10 mph? i.e. it's designed to ticket those driving at least 10.1 mph over the posted limit??? If that's the case, I think it's fair, although, as many have said, I'm glad we don't have them yet here in Phila.!
ONE won't hold up
it has always been over 11.
You couldnt get a ticket if going 10.
10 mph over is and has been allowed in AZ
I think it is extremely unlikely that any law actually says that. According to the letter of the law, I believe they could write you a ticket for ONE over if they wanted to.
That is true, but if it is going to hold up in court then they would have to write a ticket for any one going going ONE over, and they are not doing that. You can't just pick someone out for going ONE over and let a dozen other go by at six over, and expect it to hold up in front of a judge.
ONE over does not hold up in court either, because even though our speedometers are very accurate, our tires change in diameter as they wear out, so your speedometer loses accuracy as you drive down the road.
Nuvi 265WT & Edge 705
Thanks for the laugh>>>
Can't believe responsible road users would complain about red light or speed cameras - responsible road users do not speed or run red lights or do a lot of other stupid things.
If you do that do you roll through stop signs or not stop and look at rail crossings? All the same really.
Try the train crossing when there is a train approaching and get flattened - "poor motorist - hit by train" - Give them a Darwin Award (and if you don't know what that is Google it or just go to www.darwinawards.com).
I suspect you will be the first President of the Nanny States of America when we finally whack this country into halves and give people a choice between Big Brother and Freedom! Viva la Difference!
"You can't get there from here"
Just a vision?
it has always been over 11.
You couldnt get a ticket if going 10.
10 mph over is and has been allowed in AZ
I think it is extremely unlikely that any law actually says that. According to the letter of the law, I believe they could write you a ticket for ONE over if they wanted to.
That is true, but if it is going to hold up in court then they would have to write a ticket for any one going going ONE over, and they are not doing that. You can't just pick someone out for going ONE over and let a dozen other go by at six over, and expect it to hold up in front of a judge.
ONE over does not hold up in court either, because even though our speedometers are very accurate, our tires change in diameter as they wear out, so your speedometer loses accuracy as you drive down the road.
Has your experience been that a judge won't hold up a ticket for one over or is this just a vision you have? I have worked around judges for 8 years and my experience is that a judge has a law that says one mile over is a violation and his decision is guilty. Visions of fair play don't come into play in court. Just the facts count.
Nuvi 2460LMT
Where is it save to shop?
I think it is extremely unlikely that any law actually says that. According to the letter of the law, I believe they could write you a ticket for ONE over if they wanted to.
That is true, but if it is going to hold up in court then they would have to write a ticket for any one going going ONE over, and they are not doing that. You can't just pick someone out for going ONE over and let a dozen other go by at six over, and expect it to hold up in front of a judge.
ONE over does not hold up in court either, because even though our speedometers are very accurate, our tires change in diameter as they wear out, so your speedometer loses accuracy as you drive down the road.
Has your experience been that a judge won't hold up a ticket for one over or is this just a vision you have? I have worked around judges for 8 years and my experience is that a judge has a law that says one mile over is a violation and his decision is guilty. Visions of fair play don't come into play in court. Just the facts count.
Just my vision of justice, which I get from reading on the subject. I just made an attempt to explain the objective behind defining a fixed number over the speed limit for issuing a ticket. I claim no expertise in this area.
In a land where laws are made by the people and for the people I can say that if my community decided to ticket people for going ONE mile over the speed limit, I would find that to be a motivating factor in moving to another community.
Nuvi 265WT & Edge 705
How long will it take..
Since I got bigger tires on my car recently, my speedometer is under by about 5 miles. How long before they offset it to 5?
It Has Always Been...
it has always been over 11.
You couldnt get a ticket if going 10.
10 mph over is and has been allowed in AZ
It's actually just a local (city) police policy. Scottsdale and Glendale both have a 1-10 over category on their speeding tickets. If you're driving through either of those towns, you could definitely get a ticket for 1 mile over. Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa have 11-20 over, so police won't give you a ticket for 10 and under.
I'll go where it's safe to drive down the street.
it has always been over 11.
You couldnt get a ticket if going 10.
10 mph over is and has been allowed in AZ
It's actually just a local (city) police policy. Scottsdale and Glendale both have a 1-10 over category on their speeding tickets. If you're driving through either of those towns, you could definitely get a ticket for 1 mile over. Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa have 11-20 over, so police won't give you a ticket for 10 and under.
That's just as bad as shortening the duration of the yellow light to catch more offenders. Why would I knowingly drive to a community where I can't trust the officials, when I can easily spend my money in another community?
Nuvi 265WT & Edge 705
Now if we could just get
Now if we could just get people that are driving the speed limit, slamming on their brakes when passing a camera, to get out of the left hand lane!
What's you experience with "the courts" ?
That is true, but if it is going to hold up in court .....
ONE over does not hold up in court either .....
You have some rather strange ideas about how the courts work.
While it depends a lot on the judge involved and a smart lawyer sometimes makes a difference......
Generally what other people were doing at the time has NO bearing on the situation
Legally it is YOUR responsibility to see to it that your equipment is in proper working order.
There is no requirement that they allow anything for "speedometer error".
While 1 over is an extreme example, 5 over certainly is NOT.
Magellan Maestro 4250// MIO C310X
speed cameras
i think im going to start walking everywhere i go when and if they put up speedcameras in california.
Speed cameras for the sidewalks
i think im going to start walking everywhere i go when and if they put up speedcameras in california.
They will put them up to catch the inline skaters and bicyclists. I don't know what they would do if it was a wagon pulled by a dog though.
ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet
I don't have a problem with speeding
That is true, but if it is going to hold up in court .....
ONE over does not hold up in court either .....
Legally it is YOUR responsibility to see to it that your equipment is in proper working order.
There is no requirement that they allow anything for "speedometer error".
While 1 over is an extreme example, 5 over certainly is NOT.
That's my point, ONE over is unreasonable, and proper working equipment will be ONE mph off as the normal wear of the tires occur. I had my Garmin in a Lexus with navigation rolling with the cruise on. The garmin said I was going 58, the Lexus navigation said I was going 59, and the speedometer on the Lexus said I was going 60.
It seems like injustice to issue and uphold a ticket for ONE over, but 11 over is certainly not. I would be embarrassed to live in a community where that's common, and disappointed if my tax dollars were spent that way. I don't think that is the case in my community. I'm sure it happens, but it would have to be a difficult case to prosecute, and one that lawyers prefer to take on.
I don't know anyone who ever actually got a ticket for ONE over, but I've heard of plenty getting one at 11 over. Just my opinion.
I just noticed your subject. I don't have a problem with speeding, and as a result, have almost no experience in the courts. I was pulled over a few years back for going 12 over when they changed the signs to reduce the speed limit 10 mph. No ticket, no warning, just an apology. My last ticket I was going 11 over in a new 1985 Subaru. I drive with traffic, which is at least 5 over.
Nuvi 265WT & Edge 705
had a friend that had about 3000 dollers in fines.just move to the so cal.didn't know about camers he knows now!!!
Unless you own a Honda/Acura
Unless you own a Honda/Acura product 2002 to 2006. They recently settled a class action on the inaccuracy (recorded faster speed/more miles hence warranty ran out faster than it should have).
I believe the approved standard for the accuracy of automobile speedometers was within 3.x%.