Which One


Hello Everyone,

Recently I had purchased the Nuvi 255W. It was OK, but now belongs to someone else due to a rash of robberies in the parking garage where I work. I like the 255W except for a things. One is the latency that it had. If I went off course it took a few seconds to see that I made a turn. Second, when using the top view mode, it automatically adjusted the scale from 80ft to as much as up to a half a mile which was very annoying. When using the 3D mode, it didn't appear to happen. And third, it would sometimes have me on the wrong road(almost as if it was guessing). If I was on road A, it might have me on road B which is maybe 20 yards away. Now that I am back in the market to replace my GPS, what brands or models might overcome some of these problems.


Which one?

pintac wrote:

Hello Everyone,

Recently I had purchased the Nuvi 255W. It was OK, but now belongs to someone else due to a rash of robberies in the parking garage where I work. I like the 255W except for a things. One is the latency that it had. If I went off course it took a few seconds to see that I made a turn. Second, when using the top view mode, it automatically adjusted the scale from 80ft to as much as up to a half a mile which was very annoying. When using the 3D mode, it didn't appear to happen. And third, it would sometimes have me on the wrong road(almost as if it was guessing). If I was on road A, it might have me on road B which is maybe 20 yards away. Now that I am back in the market to replace my GPS, what brands or models might overcome some of these problems.


While I sympathize over the loss of the Garmin 255, any suggestions you get here will be based on personal preferences of the recommender. You are the only one that can decide which unit meets your needs - and not every unit out there will meet all your needs.

As to having you on the wrong road, that 60 feet difference is within the tolerance of accuracy for a consumer level device. With enough satellites in view and an unobstructed view of the sky, some report location accuracy within 15 feet.

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re: Which One

Sorry to hear about your nuvi getting stolen, pintac. crying

I believe the 255W has the newest chipset like my 765. I have very little latency and the position seems fairly accurate. I don't really have the problems you've mentioned. Is it possible you didn't have the latest firmware?

As far as the topdown view, I can't help you there as I've only been using 3D. I'll play around with some of the other views and see how they are.

Well, I went with the Mio

Well, I went with the Mio Moov 300. Just got it last night and am still playing around with it. So I'll see how it goes.


Good luck with the Mio! Let us know your thoughts on it after you've had time to try it.