Low Clearance Project
16 years
I have worked diligently for two months – er, uh two weeks – would you believe two days on the Low Clearance File. The one listed appears to be a combined listing of Walmart No Overnight Parking and Low Clearances. I have taken several files that gave lat and lon’s, combined them and removed all dupes. For the most part, only the lat and lon’s were listed which was a big negative as for as I was concerned. I thought they should at least have the route(s) as well as the address (if possible) so that you could pre-plan around them if necessary. I then used 2008 Trailer Life Campground Directory Navigator (with Service pack 2) to locate each lat and lon and entered all the information on that particular site. I also included an extra column showing only the state abbreviation so that it could be sorted by states. I used TLCDN because I don’t know anything about geocatching (sp) and I think it is better than MS Streets and Trips at pinpointing the locations. Google Maps don’t provide all the information I wanted.
So, I have this file that I am willing to send to someone to check out and will also be willing to maintain it if necessary. I am also willing to learn what ever it takes to be more active on the site.
I have several submissions for inclusion or modification of different files also.
Please bear with me. I am reading (when I can) on how to do all of this stuff.
Great Job!!!
Great job, I have sent a link to this discussion over to Driven1, the manager of that project and I am sure that he will be along shortly to accept you as one of his assistants on this project. He will send you his email through your contact tab.
We really appreciate the improvements that you have made, it is great to have lots of people working to make these important files better.
Miss POI
Low Clearance Project
Miss POI - it appears that the last interaction regarding the status of this file was back in May of this year between driven1 and yourself. The last update was well before that which brings me to question if driven1 is still active on this project or not. If so, I look forward to working with him/her. If not, I think we need to take another look at where we are on it.
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