Accident after following GPS
Wed, 10/01/2008 - 10:12am
17 years
Another person followed the GPS instructions, instead of using common sense- stuck on the train tracks. His car was destroyed, but he was unhurt.
I saw this on the news
and I can't believe that someone will blindly follow the directions without checking it out visually.
It's like the GPSr commercial that's run on TV where the person turns into the building.
Glad the driver wasn't hurt. But they are looking for another batch of Darwin Award candidates. This guy gets an "honorable mention."
I think these are just cases
I think these are just cases of "Thinning out the herd"!!!
Dumb Dumb Dumb!!!!
Nuvi 2595 & 760 |
Are you...........
Are you kidding me....that was pretty dumb on there part.
If Apple made that GPS, there would be a class action lawsuit...AND they'd want a discount since the price dropped since they bought the device.
Eat at Joes.
If Apple made it
If Apple made that GPS, there would be a class action lawsuit...AND they'd want a discount since the price dropped since they bought the device.
And they would deserve it too!
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.
Should be another addition to the Darwin Awards
And second GPS related story:
Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. - Pablo Picasso (Bob - Garmin c530, eTrex Vista HCx)
Anyone see that episode of
Anyone see that episode of "The Office" when they are following the GPS and turn right down a boat ramp into a lake?
Good Stuff!!!!!
Nuvi 2595 & 760 |
If you’re smart enough to
If you’re smart enough to get a drivers license your smart enough not to drive on any train tracks. I wouldn’t believe everything you read guys. If it’s not in the New York Times, I rarely buy into these stories.
nüvi 3590LMT "always backup your files"
Idiots w/ driver's licenses
If you’re smart enough to get a drivers license your smart enough not to drive on any train tracks. I wouldn’t believe everything you read guys. If it’s not in the New York Times, I rarely buy into these stories.
Oviously you haven't encountered some of the muttonheads that are getting driver's licenses these days.
Nuvi 750, Mapsource, Trimble 5700/5800 (at work) "Too many people I know have been educated beyond their intelligence" - Arthur C. Clarke
Muttonheads lol
I think I’ve seen my share of meatheads on the road. But this is a little to extreme even for the most ridiculous driver out there.
nüvi 3590LMT "always backup your files"
This guy will probably sue the GPS Manufacturer, and WIN. Gotta Love the US way of doing things.
This occasionally happens to
This occasionally happens to private pilots as well.... there have been some that blindly follow their GPS right into restricted air space or other problem areas.
NOOOO!!!! that is toooooo funny!!!!!
Anyone see that episode of "The Office" when they are following the GPS and turn right down a boat ramp into a lake?
Good Stuff!!!!!
Love it. Never saw The Office programs.
"Making tracks..." {:)-<=| Nuvi 880
I'd say you have that backwards>>>
If you’re smart enough to get a drivers license your smart enough not to drive on any train tracks. I wouldn’t believe everything you read guys. If it’s not in the New York Times, I rarely buy into these stories.
if it is in the NYT you need to accept it with a grian of salt and a very jaundiced eye.
"You can't get there from here"
Blindly following
It's funny, but the first time my wife drove with the GPS, and it was telling her to "turn left in .3 miles", she said, "shouldn't it tell me to stop first". I told her to feel free to follow all traffic laws. She had me cracking up.
If I were you....
I would not have shared this ....
It's funny, but the first time my wife drove with the GPS, and it was telling her to "turn left in .3 miles", she said, "shouldn't it tell me to stop first". I told her to feel free to follow all traffic laws. She had me cracking up.
My Toys: MacBook Pro Unibody, Nuvi 2589
These are probably the same
These are probably the same people that believe everything they see on the magic picture box in the corner.
A GPS is an ASSISTANT..not a pilot/copilot.
If my geepus 'asks' me to go one direction and I dont want to? I dont lose any love.
Nuvi 350 Born Oct 07 - Nuvi 660 Unit #2 (re)Born Sept 08 - Nuvi 360(Gift to 'the chick' yet maintained by myself) Born July 08
GPS Incident from Last Summer in Glen Canyon NRA
Couple Rescued After Four Days Stranded In Backcountry
By Eric Scott, Acting District Ranger
June 09, 2008
Park dispatch received a call routed through 911 from Kane County dispatch on May 31st regarding people stranded in the backcountry and needing medical attention. A Pennsylvania couple in their 60s had rented a two-wheel drive sedan and were vacationing in the Glen Canyon area. They planned to drive from Big Water to Escalante, both small towns in southern Utah, via a rugged four-wheel drive road. They later reported that the GPS unit in their vehicle advised that they could travel this route. About 45 miles from Big Water, though, the vehicle broke down after the oil pan was ripped out and the engine seized. The couple had several bottles of water and soda with them, but no food nor other means of survival. After being stranded for four days with daytime temperatures in the high 80s, they were able to flag down a visitor on a dirt bike who called 911 on his cell phone. Classic Lifeguard launched two helicopters from Page to fly the couple out. They were extremely dehydrated and were kept at the hospital overnight for observation. The couple never stopped at any of the various visitor centers to ask for information, nor did they did turn back when they came upon signs on this backcountry road which said that the road was impassable. If they hadn't encountered the person on the dirt bike, it's likely that they would have perished. Rangers are increasingly dealing with visitors who rely on navigation systems which may provide misleading information, often with tragic results. While navigation systems such as GPS units can be fine tools, nothing can replace up-to-date information from informed personnel as well as using common sense when out in remote areas.
Nuvi 760 (died 6/2013); Forerunner 305 bike/run; Inreach SE; MotionX Drive (iPhone)
I cant believe that people
I cant believe that people do such things
REALLY sad thing is they will probably sue
What's REALLY sad is that some of these gene pool challenged folks will try and sue Garmin for leading them into trouble. You know it's inevitable.
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh! And they were DRIVING to begin with! NOT THAT'S SCARY!!
Your Portion Of Light Whether you are a brilliant flame or but a tiny spark matters not-for the world needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.
Accident after following GPS
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh! And they were DRIVING to begin with! NOT THAT'S SCARY!!
Are you trying to say people in their 60's shouldn't drive?
johnm405 660 & MSS&T
I have no problem with people over 60 driving. Just don't drive in the left lane!
Accident after following GPS
Where does it say you have to be under 60 to drive in the left lane if you are willing to do the speed. I know people younger than me that shouldn't drive in the left lane. also know some older that still like to drive faster than the speed limit.
johnm405 660 & MSS&T
i would have to defend the idiot
only if it was night time, its hard to see, if there's a lot of turns, driveways, its hard to see which one you need to go without a GPS. not all crossings are clearly marked, i know some old freight lines that don't have gates, signs or markings what so ever.
just saying some leniency
It was a joke. Notice the little smiley face. Geez.
well stay out of our lane
well stay out of our lane dammit go speed in your own had the lane long enough, give it up!!
just kidding
well stay out of our lane
Point taken not upset. just a conversation. I agree get in the lane you feel comfortable in and let the others jumb from lane to lane. Like I use to tell the cops if they stoped me while drinking just trying to get home before the real drunks leave the bars.
johnm405 660 & MSS&T
Here is proof once again...
Are you kidding me....that was pretty dumb on there part.
You just can't fix stupid!
"Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight, make me a child again, just for tonight."
Here's your sign
Of course this was not true.
Dave - Annapolis, MD
Hey, I've seen my fair share of "confused drivers" where I work. I work at a hospital, and we have 3 different entrances to the building and 5 entrances to the parking areas. Eventhough there are HUGE signs on the roadway the building and parking lots people still come to a complete stop in front of each entrance and stare blankly at the signs trying to figure out where to go. And this is WITHOUT a GPS on their dash... These are the people that blindly follow the GPS like it was their Cruise Control feature.
One entrance is labeled "MAIN ENTRANCE - PATIENTS and VISTORS" the next is "DISCHARGE/PATIENT PICKUP CENTER" and the last is "DOCTORS & EMPLOYEES ONLY". And hte parking lots are labeled "VALET PARKING", "EMPLOYEES", "DOCTORS", and 2 lots with "PATIENT/VISITOR". It's really not hard to figure out.
Nuvi 660 owner.
Signs don't always work!
Hey, I've seen my fair share of "confused drivers" where I work. I work at a hospital, and we have 3 different entrances to the building and 5 entrances to the parking areas. Eventhough there are HUGE signs on the roadway the building and parking lots people still come to a complete stop in front of each entrance and stare blankly at the signs trying to figure out where to go. And this is WITHOUT a GPS on their dash... These are the people that blindly follow the GPS like it was their Cruise Control feature.
One entrance is labeled "MAIN ENTRANCE - PATIENTS and VISTORS" the next is "DISCHARGE/PATIENT PICKUP CENTER" and the last is "DOCTORS & EMPLOYEES ONLY". And hte parking lots are labeled "VALET PARKING", "EMPLOYEES", "DOCTORS", and 2 lots with "PATIENT/VISITOR". It's really not hard to figure out.
I work in a building where, about 10 years ago, we have an outside area which we consider still part of the "building", as it is inside a fence of our property.
I found a visitor smoking in this area, standing next to a large "no smoking in this area" sign.
I walked back to our main entrance. This person had passed 5 other signs on his way to this area, and was standing next to sign 6. Some people just don't get it.
BTW, we do/did provide an area where people can smoke. Of course, we also have signs to indicate those locations!
Ted in Ohio, c340, 1490T with lifetime maps
Over 60
GadgetGuy2008 - Not Funny.
Oh boy, I hope they don't
Oh boy, I hope they don't try to sue the GPS company over this
GPS accidents
I don't think it is so hard to believe that someone would blindly follow the GPS without looking where they are going. I have seen people talking on cellphones, texting and reading while driving as well as speeding through red lights and going straight when they are in a turn lane and turning from a straight lane. Some people are just downright dangerous on the road. And there are never any police around when these things happen.
oh boy!
what does it take to catch a train these days.
You would have thought the
You would have thought the FIRST CLUE would have been the railroad ties beating the car to death! Oh and the GATES and CROSSING ARMS are a pretty good sign as well! (LOL) As Forest Gump always said "Stupid is as stupid does".
Your Portion Of Light Whether you are a brilliant flame or but a tiny spark matters not-for the world needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.
You would have thought the FIRST CLUE would have been the railroad ties beating the car to death! Oh and the GATES and CROSSING ARMS are a pretty good sign as well! (LOL) As Forest Gump always said "Stupid is as stupid does".
Ignorance can be fixed, stupid is forever.
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
The last car I bought has a
The last car I bought has a new device mounted above the dashboard, which will help the driver to avoid this kind of problem.
It's called a windshield. You just look through it... what a concept!
"Recalculating... drive 0.2 miles, then abandon vehicle." ------------- [ETrex Venture CX; Nüvi 40; Drive 52]
I hear that in a race with a train
The train takes all ties
IQ test ??
Does the government need to mandate IQ tests to buy a GPSR?
Lifetime NRA & USPSA member
Come on Folks!
Come on Folks...You gotta use your head and eyes not your Garmins voice!
LOL.......Some of the
LOL.......Some of the comments here are priceless!
Your Portion Of Light Whether you are a brilliant flame or but a tiny spark matters not-for the world needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.
Some people's children!
Another person followed the GPS instructions, instead of using common sense- stuck on the train tracks. His car was destroyed, but he was unhurt.
Go figure - I guess if common sense was so common, more people would have it.
JRoz -- DriveSmart 55 & Traffic
try to get some diversified
try to get some diversified information. buying two gps that use different map data may help!
in academia, it is called redundancy.
redundancy ?
buying two gps's ?
that must be nice!
how about just getting an atlas(rember them)
there at menards for 5 bucks.
print the sidestreets from your pc.
save your money people!
thats redundancy in the real world!!!
It still boggles my mind
It still boggles my mind that someone could be so foolish to blindly follow a GPS, but then again, I've done some stupid things in my time also. Of course I was drunk and in college, but hey, it was still stupid.
I came across this picture which I think is appropriate in this situation.