Bail out


Ok, the question has to be asked. How will the bail out plan, or lack off, effect your traveling plans.



Oh no you don't

rocktowndiscgolf wrote:


Forget the bailout,thats to political for me, and I'm not very political!

However I would stay out of the South East, you may never make it back home.


Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.

The bail out, or lack of a

The bail out, or lack of a bail out, won't affect my travel plans except to the extent the price of oil drops. The price of oil dropped about 9% yesterday on news the bail out failed. So I guess the price of gas will continue to drop. In Phoenix, gas at Costco on Sunday was $3.27 for regular unleaded. If it keeps dropping, I'll definitely travel more! In fact there is a holiday weekend coming up, and I'll probably take my kids on a road trip. I'll have my Nuvi 680 with me of course!


I would stay out of Washington. DC. Perhaps Washington should be placed on Ms POI STINKY List.

Garmin DriveSmart 61

On the mark

ntabby wrote:

The bail out, or lack of a bail out, won't affect my travel plans except to the extent the price of oil drops. The price of oil dropped about 9% yesterday on news the bail out failed. So I guess the price of gas will continue to drop. In Phoenix, gas at Costco on Sunday was $3.27 for regular unleaded. If it keeps dropping, I'll definitely travel more! In fact there is a holiday weekend coming up, and I'll probably take my kids on a road trip. I'll have my Nuvi 680 with me of course!

I agree 110%

If you can read this thank a teacher! If it's in English thank a Vet!

Not at all...

Going to Maui next month, bailout or no bailout.

Hawaii Visit

A guy finds an Aladdin’s Lamp. He rubs it and a genie pops out and tells him that he will grant him one wish. The guy says that he has always wanted to go to Hawaii but is afraid of flying or sailing. He tells the genie that he wants a bridge from California to Hawaii. The genie says: “Are you kidding?! Do you have any idea of how deep the ocean is? The pylons would need to be thousands of feet tall to say nothing of the problems of weather and shipping that would need to be considered. Surely you have something else that you can wish for.” So the guy tells the genie: “Well, I guess I have always had trouble understanding women. Make me able to understand them instead.” The genie says: “Will you at least be satisfied with two lanes or is it going to have to be four lanes?”

Hahahahahaha. Now, ain't

Hahahahahaha. Now, ain't THAT the truth!

John - with a Garmin 650 and a 750

More Travel

I'll travel more. I'm getting great offers on car rentals, hotel stays, etc. The travel industry is stuggling to keep customers and the deals get better every day.

I plan to live forever. So far, so good.

Still going

I am not feeling any effects of ths crisis. I don't have any money in the stock market or the banks that are failing, plus I just got a raise! I am still going, and like Prism mentioned above, the deals are really good right now.

Magellan Maestro 4250, T-Mobile G1 with Google Maps, iPaq with TomTom, and a Tapwave Zodiac with TomTom and Mapopolis

Lack of ...

My GPS is getting very little use now days. I live in SC and don't have enough gas(cannot find service stations with gas) to go any where. So I guess my travel plans have gone to zero.

Mark - Nuvi 265T NUVI 50LM


Non... I still travel as I please.

The education system has failed us.

Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them.

It IS happening right now. Schools should be teaching the REASONS for major events in history, nor requiring students to memorize dates. Sad. Pathetic.

All of those who actually lived in the first part of the last century are now GONE and they didn't see to it that succeeding generations were properly taught about the consequences of letting the business and financial community run amok. (Deregulation).

I hope a solution is workable because those who now advocate "let the chips fall" have no real idea what the outcome might be.

Most of us have a pretty good idea of what a "Nuclear Winter" would be like but don't realize that a lot of the effects of a "financial meltdown" are much the same.

Even those who anticipated something like this and THINK they won't be affected......WILL be affected, just maybe not as much.

Magellan Maestro 4250// MIO C310X