Spoofing GPS


Spoofing GPS

I'm a regular reader of Bruce Schneier's blog and I saw that link too.

The way I see it, if you only use your GPS has a navigation aid, you don't have anything to fear.

The attack is more against GPS devices in fleet vehicles that call home to report on the position of the truck (that armor truck that has just been highjacked), or expensive (and often stolen) cars that have those GPS tracking devices (lojack).

By using that spoofing technique, you can send the police miles away from your actual position...


I guess

Nothing isn't sacred anymore..u got technology for good and for bad.


Do no evil

mikeymike wrote:

Nothing isn't sacred anymore..u got technology for good and for bad.

Everything can be used for good or bad.

That guy goes on a bender and use is car to run over some pedestrians, you're going to ban cars? (I know it's not what you suggested, but that often comes up in this discussion)

Because terrorists can use cell phones to coordinate their attacks, should we shutdown the cell network during a crisis? What about the first responder crews then?

Same for GPS. If terrorists use them to locate their targets, should we scramble the network? 911 can use it to track a person in distress and dispatch help.

And on and on.

In this debate, I believe that the benefits of each technology far out weights the risk of it being used for [reverb]evil[/reverb].

Also, I don't think our world is more dangerous than it used to be. It's just that in this over communicating world, every little thing that happens on the other side of the world is shown to us, so we can be scared too.
