Florida Attractions

ajasaro's picture

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Last updated 06/26/2024

Raw file: Florida Attractions.csv (28.95 KB)

Florida Attractions a.jpg

Includes 296 locations in the following area:

  • United States: FL

This is a list of the top attractions for Florida.

If any locations were missed or have the wrong coordinates please send them to me. (All locations are approximate.)

Change History

  • ajasaro - Jun 26, 2024
    Added 21 locations

  • ajasaro - Dec 30, 2023
    Added 17 locations

  • ajasaro - Jan 8, 2023
    Added 16 locations & deleted 1 location

  • ajasaro - Dec 16, 2021
    Added 37 locations & deleted 3 locations

  • ajasaro - Apr 25, 2021
    Added 6 attractions

  • ajasaro - Mar 28, 2021
    Added 10 attractions & corrected the location of 11 attractions

  • ajasaro - Jun 20, 2020
    Added 43 locations & deleted 5 locations

  • JM - Jun 16, 2020
    moved from orphaned files to ajasaro