"Welcome Home" mp3 or wav
Sun, 07/06/2008 - 5:46pm
16 years
does anybody happen to have a "welcome home" sound file they would like to share?
i want to make a poi for my home and set an alert so everytime i pull up i will get a nice "welcome home".
sorry if this doesnt deserve its own thread, but i looked all over. i even tried the text to speach stuff but it sounds too robotic.
Home MP3
Gary Hayman's tutorial for creating custom POI's includes a MP3 to use as a home alert. Look for My_Home_redlight.mp3 on
Hope this helps.
Home Sweet Home
Hello optimus82, Welcome to the sight.
I use a excerpt from the chorus of Aerosmith's "Last Child" to play Home Sweet Home when I pull in my driveway.
Nüvi 200,750 & Mac OS X
snatched from another thread
does anybody happen to have a "welcome home" sound file they would like to share?
i want to make a poi for my home and set an alert so everytime i pull up i will get a nice "welcome home".
sorry if this doesnt deserve its own thread, but i looked all over. i even tried the text to speach stuff but it sounds too robotic.
Are you looking for something like this where you can create your own text as a wav file
John Nuvi 750 765T Winnipeg, MB
MP3 Files
You can also try (Naturalreaders.com)It's text to speach .Try out the demo version.
Aubin555,Nuvi 660
Welcome Home!
Hi optimus82,
If you wish you can even make your own .wav file by attaching a microphone to your PC and using Microsoft's Windows built-in Sound Recorder software. You can record your own voice, or someone else's if you prefer, saying anything you wish. I do suggest adding 15-20 seconds of "dead air" after the actual message - that will keep it from repeating when the alert is activated upon your arrival.
Good luck, and have fun!
Time spent fishing is NEVER wasted!
thanks for all the input guys