Free Maps
Tue, 02/13/2007 - 9:33pm
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![]() 18 years
Is there a location where you can download free US Road Maps that will work on a Garmin? I'm assuming that Maps that work with the Garmin are proprietary so you have to come back to them. What really urks me is that you can't make changes to locations that are inaccurate. It's like paying 75.00 for a flawed product.
If you could contact them and ask for them to correct your map it wouldn't be so bad. In all honesty, it's like selling you a car that has defects that they won't fix for free.
It's understandable that they can't have everything accurate, I mean roads change all the time. I just think they should fix the mistakes for free.
Flawed Product
Hey Orbital, we've been paying hundreds of dollars every couple of years for a flawed product and its called Microsoft Windows. We should all be used to this by now. In all seriousness, I can't imagine managing a database that is so humongous as a map program. Just look around and see how many new roads, highways etc. get built every year. It has to be a tremendous undertaking. I wish there was a magic wand that we could use to make it correct all the time. Unfortunately, it just isn't so.
******************Garmin Nüvi 1300T****************Member 6523*******************
I agree
I agree Mapping is a HUGE undertaking.....
I just wish it was open source so we could
change what was wrong.... However, I do my
part and every time I find something that needs
to be corrected, I send the corrections.
I feel this will help others as well as myself.
Hopefully they change them by the next release.
The only map software that I
The only map software that I personally know of that allows the users to make adjustments is the Delmore Street Atlas 2007 for the PC.
With some effort, as new roads are created, you can actually add these new roads into the map.
I can understand your point
I can understand your point especially if you live on or nearby a street that isn't listed. I will tell you that Navteq are pretty good - I have been using GPS products for 8 years and seen many map updates.
Hang in there. The update will happen. Yes you will have to pay $75 for it.
Nothing else will work on a Garmin unit. Each manufacturer takes the Navteq data and puts it in a proprietary form for use with their units. I can't stick my Mapsource DVD in my car for example even though both use Navteq data.
Steve in MD Garmin 330, 2720, BMW iDrive (POS!)
If you are intrested in fixing the maps look into the following thread
Phil Ursery Nuvi 360 & 785T