Contributors of the week 2007-02-05


This week we are recognizing NickJr and Mickeymouse00.

NickJr did a great job in the area of Poi file building. He got our Target database started and manually input over 200 locations, which is not a small task. He also got the drive in movie location file started and the California missions submitted.

Mickeymouse00 joined our site just a little over a week ago and it has been very interesting to watch the daily light bulbs going off in his head. His growth in the last week has been huge and inspirational.

I want to give a honorable mention this week to the first team that has formed here at the POI Factory. You may have noticed the "Radio Guys" profile that is attached to their work.
This group is comprised of the following people.
rbrown3rd, mkahn, and bobball.

The fun that you guys had working together on your project was exciting to witness. I hope that you are just the first of many teams that form here and form that bond of friendship through teamwork.

Every week this place just gets better and better.

Miss Poi

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Thanks for the Words!

Thanks for the kind words Miss POI! I learned a lot on this site last week when I was out sick from work. I will continue to add new information to this site with messages and donations.

Thanks again


Garmin Nuvi 3597, Garmin StreetPilot 2720, Garmin 76CSx (Hand Held), Iphone 6S Plus

Miss POI, Thanks for the

Miss POI,
Thanks for the recognition, but as you know there are so many others who do other things such as answering questions regarding several issues about their GPS, I have learned a great deal from them and I want to thank them for allowing me to learn from them and becoming a knowledgeable person around a GPS

NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT

Thanks Miss POI

On behalf of our team, (The Radio Guys), I thank you. Love the new badge, now if we could have a bade for the Radio Guys.......

We are having fun and learning together. You and JM were very helpful in getting us set up quickly.

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource