Zoo's USA
Fri, 02/09/2007 - 12:40am
17 years
I was wondering if anyone has a Garmin file(or any format) of all the USA Zoo's. I believe this site has Zoo's for the UK. I've looked high and low online and have been unable to find anything.
I was going to create a file but thought I would ask first. I'm still not that good with Google Earth and Lat & lon conversions.
I am a Zoo member which gets me into any Zoo's in the USA so it would be nice to have a complete list of them. I just emailed my local zoo to find out if they have a list of them.
I just started creating a file. I have two so far
UPDATE: I just found a website that has a listing of the USA Zoo's http://www.officialusa.com/stateguides/zoos/
That is a fantastic idea:)
That is a fantastic idea:) any Volunteers?
Miss Poi
Follow the Link!
I just re-edited my original message (I like that feature)and posted a site that has a lot of the USA Zoo's in them.
I went to 4 zoo's last year. I always wanted to take a picture of a Bald Eagle. I was able to get a beautiful shot which my sister Matted and framed for me. That zoo was the Stoneham Zoo, MA
Garmin Nuvi 3597, Garmin StreetPilot 2720, Garmin 76CSx (Hand Held), Iphone 6S Plus
No Takers!
I guess there are no takers on this so I guess I'll do it myself. I have about 50-60 Zoo's already with the coordinates programmed into a CSV file.
Garmin Nuvi 3597, Garmin StreetPilot 2720, Garmin 76CSx (Hand Held), Iphone 6S Plus
Miss poi send the data base and i will start the Zoo Poi Files Thanks Auggie
Auggie SP2720 , SP C330, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 785T,Dezl 770lmt America Moves By Truck
I Started!
I started already. I have about 40-50 Zoos and lat-lon points in place. What I will do tomorrow from work is scan in my list of all the Zoo's in the USA as a PDF file then I can email it to whoever that wants it.
Let me know. Send me an email.
Garmin Nuvi 3597, Garmin StreetPilot 2720, Garmin 76CSx (Hand Held), Iphone 6S Plus
Ok Sounds good send it to me Thanks
Auggie SP2720 , SP C330, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 785T,Dezl 770lmt America Moves By Truck
POI Zoo File
I am ztill working on the Zoo POI file. I work on it when I have the time. I do have a list of all the Zoo's in the USA. I made a copy of the list and it's in PDF format.
I would like to work with someone on this file. It's taking me a lot longer to do as I'm doing my POI file a little different.
Here is an example:
-117.14872, 32.73683, "San Diego Zoo","2920 Zoo Dr
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 234-3153"
For some reason I decided to do it this way which includes all the zoo information and the phone number. This might come in handy if someone needs to contact the zoo for the hours of operation while they are on the road.
If you are interested let me know. I would like to keep it in this format.
Garmin Nuvi 3597, Garmin StreetPilot 2720, Garmin 76CSx (Hand Held), Iphone 6S Plus
I will do some work; will you send me the file you have and the PDF of the zoos? I will follow your pattern and start where your POI file ends and save as a separate name. then when I reply with my work you can choose what you want.
That's a fantastic idea,
That's a fantastic idea, good luck to you all, I'm watching this thread with great interest.
Well send tomorrow
Sorry everyone...I'm having some really bad health problems right now. The problem is mainly my back. I have a difficult time sitting to long and sore from just about doing anything else.
Yes I will eventually go to the doctors if the natural way doesn't work.
Okay let me send the file to you now with the zoos I have so far as well as the pdf file. I will leave it as a txt file and you can always rename it to a csv file after. I used Notpad to do it. Nothing fancy. I will zip the two files together for u
Garmin Nuvi 3597, Garmin StreetPilot 2720, Garmin 76CSx (Hand Held), Iphone 6S Plus
Zoo File
If anyone else needs my zoo file I started and the PDF file of all the zoos in the USA I will zip and send it to u. It would probably be best if everyone took a different state and worked on it so no one does the same ones.
P.S. Send me an email and I'll try to respond in 1-2 days or sooner.
Garmin Nuvi 3597, Garmin StreetPilot 2720, Garmin 76CSx (Hand Held), Iphone 6S Plus
Zoo POI File
I was wondering how the ZOO POI file was going or if anyone was working on it. I have about 30 of them done now. I hope to start it back up soon but have a few other projects I am working on now.
Garmin Nuvi 3597, Garmin StreetPilot 2720, Garmin 76CSx (Hand Held), Iphone 6S Plus
Looking forward to using the zoo POI -
A few people!
There where a few people working on it besides myself so I'm not sure what Zoo's they have done. I will have to coordinate something will all the people working on it.
I'll try to keep you informed!
Garmin Nuvi 3597, Garmin StreetPilot 2720, Garmin 76CSx (Hand Held), Iphone 6S Plus
Excellent idea! Keep us
Excellent idea! Keep us posted!
Zoo File USA
I would like a copy of your zoo file and PDF file of all the zoos in the USA. Reading this thread it sounds like there are a number of folks working on the list. If I can be of any help let me know which states need work and how you want the entries to look and I will give it a try.
nuvi 650
agreed - post what you have
I'd be game to help too - post whats been done and then you can add this one... its- not on the USA Zoo's list
Sanford FL zoo - http://www.centralfloridazoo.org/zoo-info/directions.shtml
Have not received the Zoo files
Have not received the Zoo files.
Was wondering if you have had time to email the files and it did not work for some reason.
My email address is somewhere@comcast.net
While waiting, I looked at the available Zoo information at officialusa.com mentioned in this thread. I came up with addresses for 92 Zoos and built a list of those. I am uploading that list today. Please add these to your list or let me know what format you need.
nuvi 650
Zoo USA.cvs will not load
Please fix the Zoo.cvs file. Line 135 does not have a lat/long at the correct cell. It looks to me as if the line for the Minnesota Zoo has some odd characters since I see a square in the section where the long/lat needs to be.
Also please put address etc.. in the same cell otherwise the parsing tools to convert to gpx get confused. Thanks in advance.
eTrex Touch 35, Nuvi 1350LMT, Nuvi 350, Nuvi 260, Garmin GPS III, Basecamp
Zoo csv file
What are you using to look at the file? I am using an advanced text editor and it appears that the file was put together on a unix or maybe Mac machine. When I converted it to plain ol' ASCII, it just shows a " and a carriage return, line feed at the end of line 135. I don't see anything unusual for the Minnesota zoo that starts on line 136 in the file I downloaded.
I have fixed the Zoo file
I have fixed the Zoo file and have re-uploaded it to the site. Thanks for letting me know.
Miss Poi
Thanks for the fix
Thanks for fixing the Zoo.cvs file!
BTW just for education purposes the bad character in the original ZooUSA.cvs is the "0A"
Below is the ASCII for the bad line 135/136
000010C0: 20 57 49 20 35 33 32 32 36 20 0A 22 0D 0A 2D 39 - 'WI 53226 ."..-9'
Various tools will parse this various ways. Sorry for the geeky explanation above, but jwillum asked about the ASCII.
For GPX conversion, I use the following Excel formula to replace all the returns (10 and 13 in ASCII) with spaces.
eTrex Touch 35, Nuvi 1350LMT, Nuvi 350, Nuvi 260, Garmin GPS III, Basecamp
To get even more geeky
The ascii characters 0D 0A at the end of a line are the Hexadecimal representations of the Carriage Return and Line Feed respectively...which in the really olden days of the teletype, told the machine to return the typing head to the beginning of the line, and advance the paper one line...and on the typewriter, it became the Return key...and on computers, the Enter key.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
I guess I probably should
I guess I probably should have mentioned the CR and LF but I figured it was more detail then requested. OK now to ultimate level of geekdom. Sorry if this is off topic.
What is your favorite HEX editor??
I use one from my employer (not open source) , but I do have the source code if need to fix/change anything. Looking to switch since I may not always work at the same place as now. Only requirement is must work on Windows and Linux, open source preferred.
eTrex Touch 35, Nuvi 1350LMT, Nuvi 350, Nuvi 260, Garmin GPS III, Basecamp
Hex Editor
I use EditPad Pro. Does Windows fine, Linux using Wine.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Sorry for the mess at the Zoo and THX for all the help
My original Zoo file loaded without error on my Nuvi650. I got busy with other things right after uploading the file so I did not hear about the mess I made until today. Will have to work on improving my quality control. Again, sorry and thanks.
nuvi 650
Thanks tilt650!
No one is perfect. I am just happy you contributed. Every small contribution makes for a large selection at this site. I don't want to discourage anyone from posting POIs, but on the other hand we do need to have community verification of contributed POIs.
eTrex Touch 35, Nuvi 1350LMT, Nuvi 350, Nuvi 260, Garmin GPS III, Basecamp