Changing Pic @ profile
Fri, 05/16/2008 - 3:46pm
16 years
Hello All - I am trying to change my Pic by edit my profile and can't seem to get it to change - any suggestions - Thanks and have a great day
16 years
Hello All - I am trying to change my Pic by edit my profile and can't seem to get it to change - any suggestions - Thanks and have a great day
hit f5 sweetie and it will
hit f5 sweetie and it will show you your new pic, I can see it;)
Miss POI
That happened to me also,
That happened to me also, but my picture changed after I had logged off and then logged back on again. I just assumed that was normal.
The picture is stored in
The picture is stored in your cache. Hitting the f5 refreshes your cache. Logging off and on can, but not always, do the same thing.
Now I just have to add mine
Dave - Annapolis, MD
I must be doing something
I must be doing something wrong - pls tell me which pic u see
CW -------Please Remember Those Who Are Serving & Those Who Have Perished Defending Our Freedom-------1Sgt(Ret)
I was seeing a soldier and
I was seeing a soldier and now I see a man standing in front of a white square structure
Miss POI
Now I think I have it thank
Now I think I have it thank you for your help - if only I could enlarge the pic - It is the Guard @ the Tomb of the Unkown
CW -------Please Remember Those Who Are Serving & Those Who Have Perished Defending Our Freedom-------1Sgt(Ret)