Which is better DVD or Data Card?


I am going to purchase the Europe maps and not sure which is a better choice. On the one hand, The DVD can be used to install as few or many countries as you wish. , on the other hand, with the Data Card it can only be used as is and not transferred to your GPS. The DVD also required an unlock code. But as I understand it, the Data Card, does not and therefore, I assume you can use it in any gpsr that accepts cards and if I upgrade to another gpsr in a year or so, I can still use the old card in the new unit, something I would not be able to do with the DVD. Doesn't this make the card choice more practicable than the DVD?

For Europe sd

I would say for Europe because you will only use it for a while I would say SD card. My reason You probably wont leave it on the unit..and You can also Sell it after you used it. Or let a friend use it. Like you said a DVD can only be used on one unit. the SD card while protected..can be used by any unit..but only one at a time...

Dave_ Nuvi 660 , 760,1490LMT Wooster, Ohio

DVD vs SD Card

You are correct that the DVD is coded to the unit and the SD Card is basically reusable in everyone elses device. I bought the DVD because I have a lot of music files and tour guides I wanted to take with me and I wanted to be able to view the maps on the computer to plan out traveling. If you were only going for a short time, it might be better to see if you could "borrow" or "rent" it from someone.

I just got some information

I just got some information from a Garmin tech which may change my view on which to get. As she explained to me (if she is correct), I could download the dvd of Europe to my computer...add to mapsource, then transfer the europe map to my 4gb data card, instead of the internal memory of my 680. After that, I can take the date card out anytime and add it to any compatible gpsr. So, if I bought a new gpsr in a month or two, I can just use the date card from my 680 and put in in the new unit> RIGHT?

I believe that one map is

I believe that one map is linked together with the gps. You can't use the map on a different gps (different serial number).

Nuvi 350 Nuvi 3597LMT Nuvi 1450LMT Nuvi 55LM

Definitely, maybe ...

gerrydrake wrote:

...I could download the dvd of Europe to my computer...add to mapsource, then transfer the europe map to my 4gb data card, ...take the date card out anytime and add it to any compatible gpsr. ... I can just use the date card from my 680 and put in in the new unit> RIGHT?

Technically, it is definitely possible to unlock the map to the Serial Number of the CARD, instead of the Serial Number of the Nüvi.

What I'm not so sure about, is if Garmin's Online map unlock procedure (and Mapsource) knows how to do that.
For example - how will Mapsource find the Serial Number of the card?. You could find it manually, by going into the SD Card diagnostics screen...but I don't think it's something that's in GarminDevice.xml (Mapsource's only source of information).

You might be able to go to my.garmin.com and type in that Serial Number, but I'm not so sure.

Further clarification from Garmin might be in order, before parting with your cash!

------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ----------------------               http://GeePeeEx.com - Garmin POI Creation made easy           »      

Thank you, I agree. That's

Thank you, I agree. That's why I ran it by you, to see if it is was reasonable. Unfortunately, I have gotten bad info from a Garmin tech, before, so I want to make sure before I buy the dvd vs the card. Thanks again for your input. I will investigate further.

I’ve been curious about this issue for a few days

I just visited Garmin’s site and read the following, the only requirements I could find:

PC Requirements: Pentium processor, Windows® 2000 or newer, 32 MB minimum RAM, 2GB hard disk space, DVD drive, available serial port / USB port, USB cable, 256-color display adapter and monitor, (16-bit color required), mouse or other pointing device. Internet access is required, cable and GPS not included.

In the product description I couldn’t see where you had to load it onto a device directly or that you could only use it on one device. What if your device could only accept the maps from a card because of memory limitations?

I know you can load it to a card because I have. However I don’t have another compatible device to try it on. MapSource loads all of the maps to an SD card without a problem. My StreetPilot 3 (which isn’t compatible) loads the maps without a problem but only major streets are visible.

In a few days I’ll be getting a 760, if it has the 2008 maps installed I will try the card on it… And maybe for sure or not find out one way or another. How’s that for a sentence?

This was listed in the Mac version:

Unlocking your DVD: Before you can download map detail to a memory card or directly to your compatible Garmin GPS, you must “unlock” the MapSource City Navigator NT North America disk. Simply follow the instructions on the included certificate to unlock the entire disk. Next, download the data to a data card or to your compatible Garmin unit.

It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. -Sophocles snɥɔnıɥdoɐ aka ʎɹɐƃ

Yes, it will be nice to get

Yes, it will be nice to get some definitive answer to this question. Sounds like you are waiting for June 2 and Costco's new price on the 760..lol. Me too.

You got me pegged...


It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. -Sophocles snɥɔnıɥdoɐ aka ʎɹɐƃ


aophiuchus wrote:

I know you can load it to a card because I have. However I don’t have another compatible device to try it on. MapSource loads all of the maps to an SD card without a problem.

Physically getting the maps onto the SD Card (in the form of GMAPSUPP.IMG is one issue). However, the 25 digit unlock code that was written to GMAPSUPP.UNL will be tied to the Serial number of the Nuvi/StreetPilot/Zumo ... and not the serial number of the card.

So when you put the card in the 760, the maps won't unlock. Now, if that 25 digit unlock was for the SD card serial number, it would.

The question is: how to get Garmin's official/standard procedures to do that?

He also wrote:

My StreetPilot 3 (which isn’t compatible) loads the maps without a problem but only major streets are visible.

I think you're seeing the Basemap, not the map on the card. (Though I don't actually know anything about the Streetpilot 3 wink )

------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ----------------------               http://GeePeeEx.com - Garmin POI Creation made easy           »      

I also don't have the dvd...

I have the upgrade version which was downloaded and it is for a c550... We shall see what we shall see.

It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. -Sophocles snɥɔnıɥdoɐ aka ʎɹɐƃ

And I mis-wrote (what a surprise)

aophiuchus wrote:

I have the upgrade version which was downloaded and it is for a c550... We shall see what we shall see.

I didn't load it to an SD card which doesn't work on a StreetPilot 3, it was loaded to a Garmin 128 meg data card. Also the map display seemed a little more detailed than the base map I just looked at.

It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. -Sophocles snɥɔnıɥdoɐ aka ʎɹɐƃ

I’ve got a sneaking suspicion

that it doesn’t matter which you buy…

After reading the following:

Please Note: Maps on preloaded data cards cannot be copied or viewed on a computer. Reduced price map updates are not available for these cards; new map cards will need to be purchased at full price should you choose to update the maps. These cards are programmed on demand. Please allow 1-3 business days for programming prior to shipment.

If they are programming them as they are ordered I bet the cards are tied to a unit also…

It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. -Sophocles snɥɔnıɥdoɐ aka ʎɹɐƃ

No, they sd cards are not

No, they sd cards are not tied to a unit. You can't copy them or put them on your computer but you can removed them from one unit and put them in another unit.

Costco started offering the

Costco started offering the 760 for $349.00, early, today, instead of next monday. Hope there are some left. I got mine, today.