Anyone need the Map Update 2008 City Navigator North America NT CD?


I have two unused CD's. One we bought by mistake and cant return and one garmin sent by mistake.Send enough for postage and you can have em free.

I need it. Where do i sent

I need it. Where do i sent the self stamp envelope?

Val - Nuvi 785t and Streetpilot C340

Well whats the easiest way

Well whats the easiest way to do this? I'm in Ohio..need at least a small bubble pack to ship a cd with its case..shoot me off an e mail and we can figure this out..

My email is
Email your address please. Thanks

Val - Nuvi 785t and Streetpilot C340

you have mail!

you have mail!

No email yet.

No email yet.

Val - Nuvi 785t and Streetpilot C340

you should be able to click

you should be able to click on my user name here and see a "contact" tab to send my e mail..but nontheless at the risk of wasting bandwidth:

PLease check your email.

PLease check your email. Thanks

Val - Nuvi 785t and Streetpilot C340

I really could us one

Sir/Ma-am I am in Spring Valley CA and I am new at my job as a charter bus driver I got a c330 to help in my job my first GPS unit. Made my wife mad at me for doing that. Money it tit right now but I know that it will pay off. But my map on the unit is old and dose not have what I need on it. My house money so tit right now I can not get the Map update for 2008. If you have any left I would thank you for one.

Southern CA Temp 76 and Sunny. Running around with my Nuvi 465T. Getting lost around the country and loving it.

send me an e mail..well hook

send me an e mail..well hook up that way to work out the details..

Thank you Loushi

My e-mail add
Thank you for the help

Southern CA Temp 76 and Sunny. Running around with my Nuvi 465T. Getting lost around the country and loving it.

Send him and email


Click on his name, click on the catact tab and send him an email. He should not have to contact you first.

Just a thought.

Glenn - Southern MD; SP C330 / Nuvi 750 / Nuvi 265WT


thank you gpfoster I jost found out how and I just did mail. thank you for the help

Southern CA Temp 76 and Sunny. Running around with my Nuvi 465T. Getting lost around the country and loving it.

Not a Problem

That is what we are all here for.

Glenn - Southern MD; SP C330 / Nuvi 750 / Nuvi 265WT

Problem With Posting Your Email Address

Is that bots roam the internet harvesting email addresses; these addresses are then sold to advertisers (read spammers). When you post your personal email address to a public forum, you are opening yourself up to a lifetime of spam -- that post will be there forever.

Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.


But that is what a good junk mail box is for. Try it they work

Southern CA Temp 76 and Sunny. Running around with my Nuvi 465T. Getting lost around the country and loving it.

I have a hotmail account

I have a hotmail account that I use for exactly that purpose...junk mail.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -