new mexico state parks
Sat, 02/16/2008 - 11:50pm
17 years
can sombody make a poi for the state parks in new mexico or point me in the right direction on where to find the state parks for new mexico.
New mexico has awsome state parks and are really cheap at 14.00 a nite
Thanks in advance!!!
New Mexico
can sombody make a poi for the state parks in new mexico or point me in the right direction on where to find the state parks for new mexico.
New mexico has awsome state parks and are really cheap at 14.00 a nite
Thanks in advance!!!
I have a csv file which has 638 POIs for New Mexico. It has historical markers, some attractions, and probably all of the parks in New Mexico. There is already an upload covering US parks and even though my file has more items for New Mexico itself, the poi-factory probably wouldn't want duplicates. If you want it send me an email and I'll zip it and send it to you.
Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
POI for New Mexico
I am interested in getting a zip file of the POI you have built. I just moved to the enchanted state and am in the process of building a file similar to what you have already built. I use a garmin 550.
Thanks Russ
May I also have the
May I also have the NewMexico POI? Email here.
Have I ever been here????
Could you send the file to me also.
May I also have the NewMexico POI? I am leaving shortly for Southwestern Colorado and New Mexico and would like as many ideas as I can get. Thanks.
email your request to Don B
Dear Cuff, Progplb, and Coflyertx,
Don's instructions call for you to send your request to him via email -- not by asking in this thread. You can email him by clicking on his name in this thread and then clicking on the "CONTACT" tab in the next screen.
nüvi 1490T, V1, Sanyo PRO-700a, maps, sunglasses, hot co-pilot, the open road
Thanks David, I did not know that was possible.
You are most welcome.
Thanks David, I did not know that was possible.
Dear Coflyertx,
You are most welcome. Am always happy to lend a hand.
nüvi 1490T, V1, Sanyo PRO-700a, maps, sunglasses, hot co-pilot, the open road