Just checking in
Sat, 02/09/2008 - 9:16am
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![]() 18 years
Just a note saying hello and yes I'm still alive! Been laid-off for a month but heading back to work soon. The upside to this has made me realize how expensive it is to heat with oil! Having said that I decided to get on the roof and clean my chimney flues and do some woodstove maintenance. Been running my woodstove for 3 weeks straight (70-75 up and downstairs) and my furnace has not run for heat once! It still stays warm as a backup plus we use it for hot water through the tankless coil. My 20 yr. old catalytic stove still runs like a charm!! Sometimes old tech is the best high tech solution!
It is always good to have you check in and let us know how life is treating you. You will always have a special place in Miss Poi's heart. I think fondly of the days when there were less then a few hundred people total. You are user number 55, one of the first 100 people to sign on.
I just went back and looked at the first 100 members to sign up with us and there are about 7 that come back every once in a while, you and Robert F Breuning (user number 49) are our only active members out of the first 100. Can you believe that we are now at user number 62,402?
I love that you two are still around keeping track of things.
Miss POI
amazing numbers!
It is always good to have you check in and let us know how life is treating you. You will always have a special place in Miss Poi's heart. I think fondly of the days when there were less then a few hundred people total. You are user number 55, one of the first 100 people to sign on.
I just went back and looked at the first 100 members to sign up with us and there are about 7 that come back every once in a while, you and Robert F Breuning (user number 49) are our only active members out of the first 100. Can you believe that we are now at user number 62,402?
I love that you two are still around keeping track of things.
Miss POI
Hi Maryann!
It's good to see your site prosper I feel you have earned it.. I do wonder if you generate revenue with this site. I only see ads if I am not logged in..
It's interesting that Bob and I are part of the 1st 100 members! I don't post too often but I do read often. If I have something to say then I do add if it's informative to others. Hard to imagine 62,402 members that's for sure! Guess Bob and I are charter members eh? Perhaps we qualify for the old geezer award lol
Garmin Streetpilot i3, Streetpilot C580 and Nuvi 265WT
Anniversary Icons
Hey MaryAnn, how about awarding a Star for each year of membership to the members who reach, or have surpassed the "active" one year membership. Add them to the icons of the windmill and contributor.
Just an idle thought !
MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !
That is a cool idea, I will talk to Jon about it. We are busy looking at lots of different things right now. Our main focus is to automate some of the responsibilities that I have. With the increase in traffic there has also been a large increase in work, it has been a struggle to keep up with at times.
Miss POI
HEY just wondering....
Was woundering what Number would I be? I have been here awhile and see people come and go but a handful do stay around.. Having someting like that would be cool..
Bobkz - Garmin Nuvi 3597LMTHD/2455LMT/C530/C580- "Pain Is Fear Leaving The Body - Semper Fidelis"
Was woundering what Number would I be? I have been here awhile and see people come and go but a handful do stay around.. Having someting like that would be cool..
you are number 8911
Here is a trick to see your number. Go to your profile page and your number will be in the url at the top of the screen.
Miss POI
Wow - if I did the math correctly, there have been about 6000 new members just since I joined about a month ago. Account (profile) says I am member #56798. That is sure a lot of new members. Can surely see why you are overworked.
Steve W. - nuvi 50LM, 255W & 200W - Philadelphia, PA area
Nice to see you back!
Been running my woodstove for 3 weeks straight (70-75 up and downstairs) and my furnace has not run for heat once! It still stays warm as a backup plus we use it for hot water through the tankless coil. My 20 yr. old catalytic stove still runs like a charm!! Sometimes old tech is the best high tech solution!
Our heating bill was over $500 last month even with the woodstove! We went right to the two woodstoves. Just loaded them up, should be good for several hours.
I love the coziness of the woodstove too!
Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member. http://kitchentoysmakecookingfun.blogspot.com/
Yeah, we have missed you! I
Yeah, we have missed you! I HATE wood heating, only because my father use to make me go out in the cold weather and scrap off the ice and snow from the wood pile and bring in the wood from the wood pile. What a tramatic experience...lol!
Gosh my daughter has it easy
I am number 10.8xx, wow, a lot of ppl have joined just since I did...shows what kind of site this is!
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
you are so right! This place grew so quick.. even tho I am in the 8000, This place was great then as well as it it now.. Sure there were growing pains (A wink to MM). And now this place is just as good as before ecept now we have many many many more messages to read!! I love it!!
I use to log in everyday and would read 1 page of messages, now we get 2 - 3 or more pages everyday.. it is so great. And the people here are so great.. Not at all like any other place like it. I am honored to be with thhe many friends that I may never meet to be with!! Lets all give each other a high five!!!
Some day (I live in Lower NYC) I would love to try to host some kind of get together for anyone that wants to show up! I have been thinking about this for a while now.. And in place of giving a Address, I would give cordiances where to meet.. lol
Bobkz - Garmin Nuvi 3597LMTHD/2455LMT/C530/C580- "Pain Is Fear Leaving The Body - Semper Fidelis"
Picture Peeker
[ you are number 8911
Here is a trick to see your number. Go to your profile page and your number will be in the url at the top of the screen.
Miss POI
And if you'd like to peek at other peoples numbers just right-click their picture and select Properties, it's at the top of the page and at the end of the:
Nuvi 260 Nuvi 295W
Was woundering what Number would I be? I have been here awhile and see people come and go but a handful do stay around.. Having someting like that would be cool..
you are number 8911
Here is a trick to see your number. Go to your profile page and your number will be in the url at the top of the screen.
Miss POI
WoW. only been on here a short time, and i am user 34193. checked yours miss poi your 4, who is 1, just curious.
Jerry...Jacksonville,Fl Nüvi1450,Nuvi650,Nuvi 2495 and Mapsource.
with 62,402 accounts, I'm practically an 'old-timer' myself at account 54,774
Hang in there...
Been there myself with the unemployment for a few months... Darn expensive to live like that.
Love the woodstove. Especially if you know how to grill meat on it. Meat, grilled with wood is the most delicious.
I think you are persistent guy and would not give up! You'll have a job pretty soon! Hang in there and good luck!
The only things you regret in life are the chances you never take.
Amazing how many members
Amazing how many members you had a year ago and utterly amazing how many members now ! I have 50 + weeks on-board and I am 8068.
Congratulations to Ms POI and Jon for a FANtastic job & site !
MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !
first 4
Was woundering what Number would I be? I have been here awhile and see people come and go but a handful do stay around.. Having someting like that would be cool..
you are number 8911
Here is a trick to see your number. Go to your profile page and your number will be in the url at the top of the screen.
Miss POI
WoW. only been on here a short time, and i am user 34193. checked yours miss poi your 4, who is 1, just curious.
1 is admin
2 is POI Factory
3 is JM
4 is Miss POI
Which brings out another
Which brings out another question...
Why does Jon go under admin sometimes and JM at other times?
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
26,091 Woohoo!!...
...made it in the first 30,000!! That is a LOT of members!
I think it speaks to the quality of the site, the quality of the submissions and quality of the community! Keep up the good work!
WOW #312...do I ever feel old :) :) >>>
Does it strike any of you as odd, as it does me, that with all the high tech gadgets we possess...GPS, iPod/Zune, cellphones, etc. that many of us are back to heating with wood
Said that to my wife a few months back and she laughed...I find it more ironic than funny.
Regards, Ted
"You can't get there from here"
Miss POI user number question...
Was woundering what Number would I be? I have been here awhile and see people come and go but a handful do stay around.. Having someting like that would be cool..
you are number 8911
Here is a trick to see your number. Go to your profile page and your number will be in the url at the top of the screen.
Miss POI
Hi MaryAnn,
Turns out JM is user number 3 and you are user number 4. Who is number 1 & 2?
Nüvi 670
Mac User
Sullivan's Law: Murphy was an optimist!
I'm 9858 sounds like a good lottery number to play!
POI is growing in leaps and bounds for sure.
Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member. http://kitchentoysmakecookingfun.blogspot.com/
my guess
Which brings out another question...
Why does Jon go under admin sometimes and JM at other times?
That is a good question, maybe he wants to appear more personable at times and more authoritative at other times.
Miss POI
That is a good question, maybe he wants to appear more personable at times and more authoritative at other times.
Miss POI
JM is my regular user account. I use admin when I need access to do technical work on the site.
Ah ok
Ah ok
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Even better...
you are number 8911
Here is a trick to see your number. Go to your profile page and your number will be in the url at the top of the screen.
Miss POI
It is getting even better... I found out this feature long time ago, but it works for all the users, not only for yourself... Point to the name of any user and you can see the URL in the status bar of the browser and if you click on it, it will appear in the address bar as well.
The only things you regret in life are the chances you never take.