I-39 Interstate Exits services IL & WI

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Last updated 01/31/2008

Raw file: I39 Interstate Exits.csv (8.9 KB)


Includes 88 locations in the following areas:

  • United States: IL, WI

One of the things I like is to know what the next exit has available. Many times I have pulled off at an exit only to find no services available. And sometimes Garmin announces the exit and sometimes Garmin doesn't. Because of that, I began working on an Interstate exit file... and started with an interstate I transverse regularly.

The I39 Interstate Exits.csv file lists the point of exit from the I-39 Interstate (NB, SB, EB or WB when available) and lists some of the facilities available near the exit. I have tried to do the lat long on the side of the interstate, but in the exit ramp to keep from having false alerts when going the opposite direction. This may need some fine tuning as I have not checked it out yet.

This file does not contain rest areas as rest areas are in the RestAreasCombined.csv file which is on the POI Factory site.

Some points that do not show up in the I-39 file are the points that show up on I-39/90/94. These points show up in the I39-90-94 Interstate Exits.csv file which I will have available soon. This was done to reduce duplication. When the interstates run together, I will create a separate file for them, then that file could be downloaded if one is traveling I-90 and they will not have to download the I-39 file.

Some abreviations in the file are: NB = Northbound, SB = Southbound, EB = Eastbound, WB = Westbound, RR = Rest rooms, McDs = MacDonalds, T-Bell = Taco Bell, BK= Burger King.

The file uses google latitude and longitude.


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