Using Mapsource


Well, my last post was answered sucessfully so here is another one. I was using my Garmin 2610 in conjuction with Mapsource. I now have a Nuvi 250W. Will it work with my mapsource,in other words can i download routes from my Mapsource to my Nuvi,SD card or the Nuvi Itself.I have tried and its not working. Please advise. Thankyou.

wooterdude wrote: Well, my

wooterdude wrote:

Well, my last post was answered sucessfully so here is another one. I was using my Garmin 2610 in conjuction with Mapsource. I now have a Nuvi 250W. Will it work with my mapsource,in other words can i download routes from my Mapsource to my Nuvi,SD card or the Nuvi Itself.I have tried and its not working. Please advise. Thankyou.

I'll let someone else give the official word buy as far as I know, the Nuvi doesn't support importing of "routes".

Using Mapsource

I had a Garmin tech. tell me last week that MapSource will not work with my Nuvi 370. I think he also said that it wouldn't work with any Nuvi.

Sandman --------Nuvi 370

It should work. I use the

It should work. I use the same MapSource I used for my c330 and nuvi 250w. No problems here bud.

nüvi 3590LMT "always backup your files"

MapSource works fine with nüvi

sandman wrote:

I had a Garmin tech. tell me last week that MapSource will not work with my Nuvi 370. I think he also said that it wouldn't work with any Nuvi.

It works just fine for waypoints and .gpx POI files. The nüvi 7xx series it the only one so far that supports routes. I've no idea why Garmin won't put out a software upgrade for the others to support it. Maybe I'm being naive, but it doesn't seem like it would take special hardware for the the unit to allow route imports, but for now we don't get that benefit.

MapSource is still a good tool for planning out routes, then creating and uploading waypoints to "force" the GPS to follow that route. You simply have to then pick every other waypoint as a destination, with the point before it as a via point. For most trips I've planned so far it only takes 2 or 3 waypoints at most to plan a day's drive.

Rick - Nüvi 260 - eTrex Summit HC


I am getting different stories,some say yes and others say no but I will try suggestions and see what happens. thanks to all for your excellent support.until next time.

Yes it is a wonderful trip

Yes it is a wonderful trip planning tool and i will continue using it for trips, but i think i will use the waypoints rather than the routes. thankyou for your help.

Old Mapsource with Nuvi 760

I have an old version (3.1) of Mapsource with the disks that I got with my really old StreetPilot Color GPS. I downloaded the new mapsource from Garmin and it works perfectly creating routes and transfering them to my new 760 I got for Christmas.

The only problem I have is that the Mapsource maps are old and once and a while it will create a route on a road no longer there.

Nuvi 760

Thanks for the update. Some

Thanks for the update. Some folks say it wont work with the Nuvi 250W. I tried waypoints only and nothing happened yet it said data transfer complete. What gives with that? thanks agin for the input.

I have 3 set of maps

juhealy wrote:

I have an old version (3.1) of Mapsource with the disks that I got with my really old StreetPilot Color GPS. I downloaded the new mapsource from Garmin and it works perfectly creating routes and transfering them to my new 760 I got for Christmas.

The only problem I have is that the Mapsource maps are old and once and a while it will create a route on a road no longer there.

My Mapsource came with my forst Etrex..and has Version 7 It also has version 8 and 2008.. I can choose which maps I am using for which unit I am working with..

Dave_ Nuvi 660 , 760,1490LMT Wooster, Ohio


wooterdude wrote:

Thanks for the update. Some folks say it wont work with the Nuvi 250W. I tried waypoints only and nothing happened yet it said data transfer complete. What gives with that? thanks agin for the input.

The waypoints should be in your favorites.

Rick - Nüvi 260 - eTrex Summit HC

MapSource and the Nuvii 250W

I created waypoints using MapSource and had them load to my SD card. Showed up on my SD card under Garmin and as gmapsupp.img. Nothing showed up on my GPS! I tried renaming the file to gmapprom.img and still nothing. Should I load them onto the GPS itself and if so; what file name? Don't/won't use the gmapprom name as me thinks that would be disastrous!

"Old and Grumpy" and proud of it!


theslaz wrote:

I created waypoints using MapSource and had them load to my SD card. ... I tried renaming the file to gmapprom.img and still nothing.

All the .IMG files are maps ... not Waypoints. Rename/overwrite them at your peril!

When you use Mapsource to transfer waypoints to a Garmin in Mass-storage-mode (such as a Nüvi), it creates \Garmin\gpx\temp.gpx.

When you next boot the unit, it reads this file, adds any new entries to the list of Favourites, deletes the file and then writes the new complete list to \Garmin\gpx\current.gpx

------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ----------------------      - Garmin POI Creation made easy           »      

Routes Not Deleted

Hornbyp wrote:

When you use Mapsource to transfer waypoints to a Garmin in Mass-storage-mode (such as a Nüvi), it creates \Garmin\gpx\temp.gpx.

When you next boot the unit, it reads this file, adds any new entries to the list of Favourites, deletes the file and then writes the new complete list to \Garmin\gpx\current.gpx

Interesting, maybe I'll do a test to see if the 7xx works this way for waypoints.

Routes, however, are not deleted. I have about 25 routes in My Data. I can at any time select ones to import (as long as I've deleted some of the maximum of 10). None of the 25 are deleated. This is wonderful as I don't have to connect to a computer to have more that 10 routes available.


CATraveler wrote:

Routes, however, are not deleted. I have about 25 routes in My Data. ... This is wonderful as I don't have to connect to a computer to have more that 10 routes available.

Someone else mentioned this to me - do you reckon Garmin did it on purpose? ... or are they likely to mend it? wink

------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ----------------------      - Garmin POI Creation made easy           »      

Adding to what Phil said ...

theslaz wrote:

I created waypoints using MapSource and had them load to my SD card. Showed up on my SD card under Garmin and as gmapsupp.img. Nothing showed up on my GPS! I tried renaming the file to gmapprom.img and still nothing. Should I load them onto the GPS itself and if so; what file name? Don't/won't use the gmapprom name as me thinks that would be disastrous!

You need to BE SURE that you are NOT selecting any maps when you send your waypoints from MapSource to your nuvi. If there is anything that shows up under the Maps tab on the left of the screen in MapSource, delete it. Also, be sure that the Maps check box is NEVER checked when you are sending stuff to your unit and that the Waypoints check box IS CHECKED.

More Routes

Hornbyp wrote:
CATraveler wrote:

Routes, however, are not deleted. I have about 25 routes in My Data. ... This is wonderful as I don't have to connect to a computer to have more that 10 routes available.

Someone else mentioned this to me - do you reckon Garmin did it on purpose? ... or are they likely to mend it? wink

It's even possible that it could get deleted if the unit needs more storage for example. Sure wish Garmin would provide more documention on this and other items. I've learned a lot from users on these boards and other internet sites and certainly appreciate everyone sharing their thoughts.

750 Routes

Routes transfered to MapSource are contained in the temp.gpx file in the Nuvi's GPX subfolder. To prevent this file from being overwritten the next time you transfer routes (or waypoints) from MapSource (and therefore preserve all the previously transfered routes for potential import on the Nuvi), rename the temp.gpx file to something appropriate. Alternatively, you can save your route files from MapSource to your computer as appropriately named gpx files and directly cut and paste them into the Nuvi's GPX folder using Windows. All the routes from the multiple gpx files will show up in the route import list. I now have about 40 routes in several gpx files on my Nuvi. I love having quick access to all these routes without needing to connect to my computer.


Using Mapsource

sandman wrote:

I had a Garmin tech. tell me last week that MapSource will not work with my Nuvi 370. I think he also said that it wouldn't work with any Nuvi.

Well finally after several calls to Garmin and getting the right Tech. on the line, I got my "free" copy of MapSource. Now all I have to do is figure out how to use it in conjunction with my Nuvi 370. May be asking for help after a while.

Sandman --------Nuvi 370


You can use MapSource to manage your Favorites. You can create and edit them and send them back and forth between the unit and MapSource.

You can also use MapSource to create Custom POI files.

Using Mapsource

Thanx MM - I will give it a try once I get back from a trip -(not driving) so will not take the Nuvi. I am sure I will have plenty of questions since I more than likely will be MapSource challenged. This sending back and forth sounds great. I haven't loaded it on my computer yet.

Sandman --------Nuvi 370

You can also use MapSource....

... to plan trips using the Route tool, but then create waypoints to use when actually driving the route. Make just enough waypoints to force the unit to follow the route you want rather than the route it wants, then download the waypoint file and drive them in sequence to effectively drive the "route".

Rick - Nüvi 260 - eTrex Summit HC

Hi, I figure out how to

I figure out how to upload route from Mapsource to Nuvi 760.

I have Slovenian menus, so here we go anyway:

You make route on Mapsource and then normally send Route to Garmin. But interesting is that it will not show among your routes. The file is saved to /Garmin/GPX/temp.gpx
- just unplug the usb cable and then go to settings
- there you have "my data" or something like that
- there is option to import data from yours prepared routes
- so you import what you want and you have your routes on your garmin device hehee jupiii

I have read somewhere that you can have max 10 routes on device. So you have to delete some and import new one, when you need them.

So just rename temp.gpx to whatever you want and you can still import your routes whenever you need them:) You can of course have many files/routes...

ThomasV from Slovenia.

as well as...

Motorcycle Mama wrote:

You can use MapSource to manage your Favorites. You can create and edit them and send them back and forth between the unit and MapSource.

You can also use MapSource to create Custom POI files.

You can also use MapSource to create TourGuide files

........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........

10 Route Limit

"I have read somewhere that you can have max 10 routes on device. So you have to delete some and import new one, when you need them."

10 routes is the limit for the 7xx. However you can load more from Mapsource (I have 25) and then with no further computer connection import 10. Then delete a few of those and import a few more. You can continue to change the routes you can use on the 7xx with this procedure without requiring Mapsource.

Removing a favorite via Mapsource.

Motorcycle Mama wrote:

You can use MapSource to manage your Favorites. You can create and edit them and send them back and forth between the unit and MapSource.

Can you delete a group of favorites using Mapsource? If yes, I don't understand the number of complaints about having to manually delete large numbers of locations that accidently get added to Favorites -- unless deleting in Mapsource is just as cumbersome as within Favorites on the GPS.

Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.


No, you can't use MapSource to delete your Favorites from your unit. You can send them from the unit, edit and save them in MapSource and then hard reset the unit to delete all of them and then send the edited Favorites back to the unit, though.

If you send Favorites from MapSource that already exist in the unit, you will get a duplicate on the unit. It doesn't "sync" them. It straight out sends the data back and forth.

Some reasons to use MapSource for managing your Favorites are this.

1. To create a backup on your computer
2. Editing can be easier on the computer than on the unit.
3. You can view a larger portion of the map in MapSource than on the unit.
4. You can use the Favorites to plan and preview routes Even if your unit can't store the routes, it can be helpful to view the routes on the computer
5. You can instantly get the coordinates of a point and use that for whatever you need.

Am I Correct?

Motorcycle Mama wrote:

No, you can't use MapSource to delete your Favorites from your unit. You can send them from the unit, edit and save them in MapSource and then hard reset the unit to delete all of them and then send the edited Favorites back to the unit, though.

So, when editing Favorites in Mapsource, the editing does not allow a total removal of locations (you can only change or add new locations?), and thus a hard reset of the unit and reload from Mapsource avoids duplicates, but cannot result in any removals?

Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.


Yes, editing Favorites in MapSource does not result in any Favorites getting removed from the GPS unit.

A hard reset results in all user data being removed from the unit. Then the user can choose what data to reload.


Motorcycle Mama wrote:

Yes, editing Favorites in MapSource does not result in any Favorites getting removed from the GPS unit.

Thanks for bearing with me -- seemed too illogical that they could be edited but not deleted. Must be the same code-writer who devised the different handling methodologies for gpx files when directly copied to different models and cards, and displaying a POI differently if the name had one of the every other odd numbers of characters.

Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.

Favorites Delete

The 7xx has delete for favorites and includes a select all button. Ditto for routes.


bentbiker wrote:
Motorcycle Mama wrote:

Yes, editing Favorites in MapSource does not result in any Favorites getting removed from the GPS unit.

Thanks for bearing with me -- seemed too illogical that they could be edited but not deleted. Must be the same code-writer who devised the different handling methodologies for gpx files when directly copied to different models and cards, and displaying a POI differently if the name had one of the every other odd numbers of characters.

No problem.

I think that it's important to remember that it's not syncing the data. It's copying the data from one place to another. One doesn't have anything to do with the other. You could be transferring the Favorites from one GPS unit to MapSource and then sending them to a different GPS unit. The Favorites are not tagged with the source of where they came from.

And once the Favorites are in MapSource, they are a COPY of what's on the unit. You are NOT editing the data on the unit itself. It's a one way connection not a two way connection. Up or down. But it's not a continuous communication.

Again, it's not syncing the data.

It makes perfect sense to me but that's just me.


Motorcycle Mama wrote:

I think that it's important to remember that it's not syncing the data.

And once the Favorites are in MapSource, they are a COPY of what's on the unit. You are NOT editing the data on the unit itself. It's a one way connection not a two way connection.

It makes perfect sense to me but that's just me.

Gotcha. I just can't see any reason for preventing a removal of a location within Mapsource. If, while working on the copy of favorites, you could delete a location. You could then do a reset and delete all Favorites on the unit, and then copy the Mapsource favorites back. Fairly easy removal of large numbers of locations.

Forcing people to do all deletions of Favorites from the unit makes no sense to me.

Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.


But MapSource doesn't control the unit or the data on the unit. It doesn't have anything to do with the data on the unit. It's a tool to receive and send data to and from the unit.

There are other tools that work with the unit as well such as EasyGPS. None of them edit the data on the unit itself. It doesn't work that way. The data are completely separate things. And for most users I've seen it's probably better that way.

But you absolutely CAN reset the unit completely and then send whatever Favorites you want to the unit from MapSource. I think I said that about 4 posts ago. : )

Yes . . .

Motorcycle Mama wrote:

But you absolutely CAN reset the unit completely and then send whatever Favorites you want to the unit from MapSource. I think I said that about 4 posts ago. : )

You did, but you also said just the opposite when I asked for clarification: "So, when editing Favorites in Mapsource, the editing does not allow a total removal of locations (you can only change or add new locations?), and thus a hard reset of the unit and reload from Mapsource avoids duplicates, but cannot result in any removals?" You answered "Yes."

Anyway, I now know it works exactly as I was saying I thought it should. All is good. smile

Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.


Well, I'm glad all is good, now.

But that's not what I said.

What I said was, "Yes, editing Favorites in MapSource does not result in any Favorites getting removed from the GPS unit.

A hard reset results in all user data being removed from the unit. Then the user can choose what data to reload."

One more time, editing data in MapSource has NO direct effect on the data on the GPS unit.

However, if you hard reset or otherwise delete data from the unit, you can load whatever data you want. It can be from MapSource, EasyGPS or a number of other programs.

The two things are not related.