How to download icons
Fri, 12/28/2007 - 6:38pm
17 years
I have gone into the POI icon area and want to download the icon/icons. I don't see anyplace to download. All I see is the word attachment under the Icon. Also how can you download the POI's or save them to your hard drive? Example. I want to download all of a certain name restraunt or food chain in my traveling area without having to do it one at a time.
I just right click on them
I just right click on the attachment and then save target as,in a folder of your choice.
don't see icons in map
I did exactly what they said. I downloaded the POI file and I named the icon file as the POI file except the 3 last letters but I don't see it in the map. What am I doing wrong, please help am going bannanas!! Thank's.
I did exactly what they said. I downloaded the POI file and I named the icon file as the POI file except the 3 last letters but I don't see it in the map. What am I doing wrong, please help am going bannanas!! Thank's.
You have to be zoomed in on the map close to the location for it to show up.
Miss POI
Try and view map.
I did exactly what they said. I downloaded the POI file and I named the icon file as the POI file except the 3 last letters but I don't see it in the map. What am I doing wrong, please help am going bannanas!! Thank's.
The best way to see that it worked, (and I am going to assume that you have a garmin unit) is to go to either favorites/extras and Custom POI. Then choose your folder that has the location you are interested in. When you choose that location, you should see a choice at the bottom to VIEW MAP. This should then show the .bmp on your screen. If you are driving in the area, the icon will not show unless you are zoomed in less than 500 feet.
Garmin StreetPilot c580 & Nuvi 760 - Member 32160 - Traveling in Kansas
I have the Garmin 260, I
I have the Garmin 260, I have zoomed the map and try everything possible. Also, I don't see a choice for extras in the view map.
Go to Where to? > down arrow > Extras > Custom POIs and select one of the POIs that you have loaded and that you think should have an icon. Zoom in on the map all the way in and see if you see the icon. If not and you are just seeing the gray dot, then the icon did not load properly.
Double (and triple) check to be sure the the icons and files are named and located properly. Check to be sure you don't have double file extensions.
I went to custom POIs but I
I went to custom POIs but I only get a limited selections of POIs. I don't see any of the ones that I selected the icon for, such as Bank of america atm icon. I don't want to be a pain but I really want to do this. I apreciate your help. Do I load the icons into the custom POI's? and where is the custom POIs folder so I can load them there? thanks
Ok - From Scatch
Read this first:
What you are going to want to do is make a folder on your c: drive that the poi loader is going to look at. Then make a folder for each poi, and put the csv and bmp in that folder.
c:\My POI (this is where you point the poi loader)
c:\My POI\Banks (in this folder -BANKS- you will put mbna.csv and mbna.bmp)
And so forth. I always do the poi loader in manual mode.
You are not being a pain, we all had a learning curve at the start. One thing that may help is to only work with one file at first. Load the bank file with the icon. Check and see if it works. If it does, then maybe one of the other files is corrupted and they are not loading right. How many poi's does the program say load at the end?
Also try doing a search above as there are many nodes about this. Moto Mama has several times posted pictures of her setup that are quite helpful.
Garmin StreetPilot c580 & Nuvi 760 - Member 32160 - Traveling in Kansas
Here you go.
As Daniel stated, you need to create a folder on your computer and place the Custom POI files that you have downloaded or created into the folder. You would place any icons or sounds that you want to load in the appropriate folders as well. (Note: If you scroll to the bottom of the icons page and the sound page, you will find detailed instructions on loading them with your Custom POI files.)
Then you need to run POI Loader and point it to your main POI folder in order to load everything to your GPS unit.
You can have subfolders in your POI folder that will create categories in your Custom POIs. You can't have more than one level of subfolder. The files themselves will create the subcategory.
For example, it might look like this.
> My POI (Main folder)
>> IHOP (subfolder)
... IHOP.csv
... IHOP.bmp
>> National Parks (subfolder)
... National Parks.gpx
... National Monuments.gpx
... National Recreation areas.gpx
... National Parks.bmp
... National Monuments.bmp
In this example, IHOP and National Parks show up as categories and then under National Parks, the subcategories of National Parks, National Monuments, and National Recreation Areas show up.
Here are some screenshots of what it would look like.
This is a shot of the folder and files on my computer.
This is how the first level shows up on my Zumo.
When I select the National Parks category, this is what I get.
Then if I select National Monuments, I get this.
No Sounds
Because you are using a Nuvi 260, it does not recognize mp3 files. You do not need to worry about adding alerts as it will only use up flash memory space. (found out the hard way on my c330) .
Garmin StreetPilot c580 & Nuvi 760 - Member 32160 - Traveling in Kansas