Using 4GB SD Card In Mio C220
Fri, 12/28/2007 - 9:11am
17 years
Good Morning to All and thanks for reading.
I recently purchased my first GPS, a MIO C220 and generally pretty happy with it. Some of the reviews I saw before purchase I thought were unwarranted, especially about screen brightness.
This is my first GPS, so I certainly am not a wizard on GPS's.
My question concerns adding a 4GB SD card to the MIO C220 to replace the 1GB card that came with it, anybody have suggestions pro/con?
I did look here: and did not find any info pertaining to the C220.
Thanks for your suggestions and Happy New Year for 2008 coming up.
According to the standards
According to the standards body, there is no such beast as a 4GB SD card.
So roll the dice if you want. I have a 4gb "sd" keyfob that works fine on linux and windoze.
US-only CoPilot + android Optimus T = cheap, effective nav
4gb SD Card
You can get them at best buy , office depot, and a number of other elctronic places. I just got one for my 660 at office depot.
johnm405 660 & MSS&T