Nuvi 700 Series
Mon, 11/26/2007 - 8:48pm
18 years
Hi All,
I've haven't been on this forum for a while. I have been looking at purchasing a new Garmin unit and I am edging towards the Nuvi 760 or 770. I would like to know if anyone has comments on either of these units to pass on. I realise the battery life is not as good as the 600 series however I like the small size(weight) for travel. I am presently using a 530 and have been very pleased with it although it is large and bulky. As I travel a lot I am looking now for something smaller. I have seen the 760 listed for $598CAD and the 770 for $797CAD. Anyone out there with a 700 series that would like to pass on some comments, I would appreciate hearing from you.
Nuvi 7XX Series
I can't speak for the traffic or Bluetooth of the 760 or 770, but I can tell you about the 750. I've had it for about a month, and it has lived up to my expectations completely. I sold a Nuvi 350 which I thought was the best device made (having had 5 different ones from 3 different manufacturers before that). I can tell you that the 750 (IMHO) is a big brother to the 350. Thus far, I am very happy with my decision to leave the 350 behind!
Hope this helps........ Joel
"Sometimes, when I look at my children, I wish I had remained a virgin". Lillian Carter (Mother of Jimmy Carter)
nüvi 760
I have the nüvi 760 and am very happy with the unit.
I have posted my experience with this unit in a few posts that should come up with a search on 7xx.
nüvi 880 - nüvi 760 - nüvi 660 - StreetPilot 2620 - Portland, Oregon
Nuvi 7XX Series
Thanks Joe,
I have a feeling based on your comments and some of the others I have read on the 700 series that getting the 750/760 may be all that is really needed for an upgrade and that spending the extra may not be worth the money.
Thanks again.
Your call!
... I realise the battery life is not as good as the 600 series however I like the small size(weight) for travel. I am presently using a 530 and have been very pleased with it although it is large and bulky. As I travel a lot I am looking now for something smaller ...
The 6xx & 7xx series are almost of the same size, at least not of significant difference anyway.
You may want to compare the models' features on Garmin's website (if not already done, including what's coming in the box!); the 6xx are at least $150 cheaper than 7xx, with a proven reliability & performance.
Your call!
“There is always a solution; the only challenge is to find the best one”
Mac owner with 760
I drive alot for my job and got a 760 which I have to say I have been very impressed with. Satellite connection is quick, features are great... for me hands-free bluetooth and FM traffic are very valuable - traffic you'd have to add to the 6xx series at another $100 or so, plus if you travel worldwide there's translators etc on it.
Having a 760 I would highly recommend it, and my cousin who has a 650 traded his in for a 760 after seeing what it can do.
From the computer side, being a Mac owner, the software leaves a fair bit to be desired. I've had to resort to Parallels and the windows Mapsource to do any real map additions or manipulations. The Mac version of Mapinstall just isn't all that stable. POI loader seems to work fine. This will be true for any Garmin model you buy.
I've loaded topos on my 760 and used it hiking, and have even put some Marine charts on too to use on the boat. even though it's not designed for this, it works reasonably well to give you an idea of where you are what's around you, even though it's not a plotter.
Hope this helps.
-- Nuvi 760 with FM Traffic, MacbookPro CoreDuo, Leopard 10.5.1