Map Update 2008 (NUVI 660)


1st time post, so bear with me. I just received a Map Update 2008 from Garmin for my NUVI660. Also I am new with computers and the Garmin, my question is? After inserting the CD in the computer, follow the directions on the screen(Are they accurate?) Is the information downloaded to a new folder on the computer and then transfered to the GPS. I have learned a lot just reading various post the last month. Somebody please give me some advice on this. Thanks

Yes, I beleive that is true.

Yes, I beleive that is true. What is downloaded is for mapsource from my understanding. I am not sure if the GPSr gets updated by the files on the computer or from the cd directly.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

nuvi 660 2008 maps

the map data is downloaded to the computer and then uploaded to the GPS ROM from the PC. It will not load direct to the GPS. i updated a few weeks ago.

Following the Directions worked for me

RVN4US wrote:

1st time post, so bear with me. I just received a Map Update 2008 from Garmin for my NUVI660. Also I am new with computers and the Garmin, my question is? After inserting the CD in the computer, follow the directions on the screen(Are they accurate?) Is the information downloaded to a new folder on the computer and then transfered to the GPS. I have learned a lot just reading various post the last month. Somebody please give me some advice on this. Thanks

Don't get nervous if it seems to take a long time, don't rush, you 'll be fine. You might want to back up your nuvi's files just for gee whiz before you start.

........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........


And be sure you insert it into a DVD drive not a CD drive.

Map Undate 2008 (NUVI660)

Thanks for the advice. I had tried to download after puttting it in a CD drive, and of course it didn't work. I now have it downloaded and put on the GPS. Thanks again for the help. RVN4US (NUVI660)