Sun, 08/19/2007 - 8:06pm
17 years
I purchased my StreetPilot c550 on June 25/07.
I did not receive Mapsource. From what I am reading, I should have or I need Mapsource to view maps on my computer? Is this correct or am I mistaken?
I am planning on contacting Garmin Monday about the update to 2008 version. I am wondering if it will contain the Mapsource software also?
Update should include Mapsource
Mapsource is not included with the units, however as many members have found, it can be obtained (without charge) through a request from Garmin. Do a search on this site for Mapsource for more information
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
Thanks MKahn for your response.
I have emailed Garmin and requested a copy of the Mapsource DVD. While I was at it I also asked for an update DVD to the 2008 NT Map version and included a scan (in pdf) of my receipt.
I will now wait to see the much discussed excellent Garmin customer service in action.
*******Garmin StreetPilot c550************
MapSource on DVD
When I requested MapSource and the 2008 update, I was told MapSource was on the 2008 NT Map DVD, so they didn't send one separately.
><> Glenn <>< Garmin nüvi 2598
For what it's worth, when I
For what it's worth, when I purchased a NIB 2720 in April 2007, Mapsource was also on the DVD in the box.
Ed - Garmin Zumo 550 (have 2)
Re Mapsource...
I purchased my StreetPilot c550 on June 25/07.
I did not receive Mapsource. From what I am reading, I should have or I need Mapsource to view maps on my computer? Is this correct or am I mistaken?
I am planning on contacting Garmin Monday about the update to 2008 version. I am wondering if it will contain the Mapsource software also?
Hi Bellcrest,
According to the Garmin Tech I talked to, the Mapsource DVD will be mailed from Garmin, in a mass mailing, on this Friday, August 24th.
P.S. If you don't have it or think you're entitled to it, call Garmin and request the Mapsource DVD.
Sullivan's Law: Murphy was an optimist!