nuvi 3597 went nuts last night
Tue, 12/19/2017 - 1:03pm
15 years
On the way home last night driving down I95 my 3597 had me paralleling I95 off road about 350 feet to the west. Took the exit to US1 and the 3597 had me a block east into the neighborhood. Happened once before a couple of years ago.
... just a poor GPS signal for a short period
Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20
GPS went nuts
Every one of my units seem to go a little wacky once in a while.
Maybe it is gthe signal quality, magnetic interference, or aliens !
Curious minds want to know
But we swim in a sea of electronic signals and unless the problem is recreatable or occurs with some frequency, there's no telling why weird things happen. Temporary signal interference is as good an answer as any.
"There's no substitute for local knowledge" nüvi 750, nüvi 3597
Nearby 18 wheeler with a GPS
Nearby 18 wheeler with a GPS jammer to fool his satellite tracking so his dispatcher didn't know where he was?
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
Not That Unusual
I've had this happen with various GPSR's over the years including my 3597. Garmin support told me a while back that this error has to do with the "snap to" feature built in to most automotive units. "Snap to" adjusts the location of each satellite acquisition point to form a smooth line on the map following the nearest road. Without this feature, you would see a series of jagged lines parallel to, or crisscrossing the road.
This phenomenon can be seen on a handheld GPS if you zoom in all the way and watch the screen while standing still. A star pattern will appear over time that will eventually look like a splatter painting.
"Snap to" can sometimes be fooled by a nearby parallel road or by a distorted satellite signal. The error can often be cured by rebooting the GPS.
I, would go with the...
Every one of my units seem to go a little wacky once in a while.
Maybe it is gthe signal quality, magnetic interference, or aliens !
"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022
It happens
I have seen that on occasion too. I usually clears itself quickly. Not sure of the cause.
Drivesmart 66, Nuvi 2595LMT (Died), Nuvi 1490T (Died), Nuvi 260 (Died), GPSMAP 195
Well ...
As posted above the cause is simply an inaccurate GPS position
Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20
multipath happens
One way to get a wrong position which can persist for a short time occurs when the signal from one of the satellites your receiver is using to calculate position arrives at your receiver by reflection instead of by direct path from a satellite. Obviously this means the signal has traveled a longer distance than is assumed in the calculation, and that throws the calculated position off.
I have seen this effect create a position error of hundreds of feet when I had my Garmin GPS V sitting in a porthole of a small ship arriving in a Caribbean port passing by a steel wall in the form of a large cruise ship. Limited sky view restricted by the porthole meant that only four satellites could be received, and one of them was getting to the receiver by bouncing off the cruise ship. The crumb trail made perfectly clear that this led to a stable incorrect position in which our ship was logged as traveling in a nice straight line parallel to its real position but on dry land.
personal GPS user since 1992
Bad position
This happens when my 3597 is overheated. Usually by sitting in the sun too long or once by the windshield heater!
Happens to me..
There are a few places where this happens every time I go there.. The car image does a few loops then settles back. I attribute this to going from one map area to another.. or aliens
And the snap too feature frequently has me driving in a field..
Lives in Edmonton AB A volunteer driver for Drive and now (since June 20 2021) uses a DS65 to find his clients.
The First Time I Experienced This . . .
. . .was when a previously saved route on my old 755t plotted a much longer than normal path along the railroad bridge paralleling the 10-plus miles of elevated interstate I was expecting to travel. Even better, at the far end, I was supposed to double back via the same rail line and THEN proceed in the original direction along the interstate. A subsequent turn from E-W travel to N-S for the next 20-plus miles placed me headed northbound on the southbound side of the separated parallel elevated roadways.
That's when I decided to heed the advice commonly offered back then--follow map updates with a reset to factory defaults and restore the saved routes from your backup made prior to updating. No idea whether it's my newer 3597 or improvements to the update process, but am grateful that I haven't had take such extreme measures since switching.
Classic case
What you describe is a classic case of jammer interference. It sounds as if you were near the distribution area near Jessup and there was a trucker using a GPS jammer. I've had the same issues on I-75 south of Knoxville where the GPS continued to operate but couldn't display the position correctly. As the truck finally got out of the area, the GPS corrected itself.
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That's what I posted,
That's what I posted, Boxcar. I remember now hearing about the area around Jessup. there is a large truck stop there with a Giant grocery distribution warehouse and several others.
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
That's true but others were going off on tangents that had no bearing on the temporary condition caused by the jammer. I actually pity that driver if they run a regular route. It won't take too long before the FCC comes down on him and they are hit with a 5 figure fine.
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GPS our ot alignment
About 2100 9/13/24 the link to gps in my Iphone became unstable for at least 15 minutes. Display was totally out of alignment showing me well off any known locations. I am sure that current conditions at just after dusk caused the configuration of the GPS to display erroneous information.
a 7-year-old thread gets resurrected.
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Couple years ago, on
Couple years ago, maybe 3-4 -- PRE-COVID on vacation near Disney World, the week we stayed there, every time we took expressway one direction, GPS alerted us to exit expressway to stoplight, and get back on it again 3/4 mile away! Wasn't a shorter route either, and I had that selected.
Only this one direction... Coming back it was fine....
Happened 4-5 days in a row.... So it wasn't a fluke...
PS... after first time, we were not fooled into that!!! !
A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!
Always exciting to go back to 7 year old issues
Lives in Edmonton AB A volunteer driver for Drive and now (since June 20 2021) uses a DS65 to find his clients.
I'll keep my eye on it
I haven't seen that issue on mine, but sometimes it routes me to unknown places. Usually, I know the right way, so I can counter it.