Contributors of the week 2007-06-18


This week we are recognizing Rick5266, RhythmTip and giving honrorable mention to FPichon & Gerrydrake

Rick5266 has been pounding out the mp3 sound files and really got our sound library going. Thanks so much for that inspiration to really get it up.

Rhythmtip, You are now the voice that all of us will be listening to:) I am so excited that POI Factory has it's own voice (very nice voice by the way) to use for its sound alert library. I am really happy you decided to lend us your voice and that you are open to doing more of them.

FPichon and Gerrydrake, without all of your help behind the scenes through all those emails this week, we would not have had much success putting together our new speed camera database. You both went way beyond the call of duty on that one. The fact that you guys were willing to drive out of your way to verify the new camera locations really blew me away. I really appreciate being able to put something up that I know has been tested and is accurate.

Thanks everyone

Miss Poi

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Thanks to everyone for giving me this honor again.
It is fun creating the sound files, and I'm glad I can share them.
Congrats to RhythmTip and the others who have also donated their time to this project.

Garmin Nuvi 660


Yay!! Congrats to all!!!!

Thank You

Thanks for the commendation!
It is a plasure to assist!

Great job by everyone here - a real asset to the GPS community!

Thanks to miss poi and all!

Miss POI, you and your staff do soooo much for us, we should be giving you guys an award! Thank you for the COW award. It is an honor to share this award with Rick5266. It is also an honor to be the "voice" for POI Factory!

I have a few more alerts to do. In addition, I will have a female set of alerts (courtesy of my daughter) coming shortly.

As I stated earlier, if anyone needs a specific alert, just let me know...(include exactly what you want the alert to say).

My Toys: MacBook Pro Unibody, Nuvi 2589



Rhythm Tip, got an alert that says "woooo hooo!"?
It would be fun to hear going down a steep hill or long tunnel. Just kidding!

Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member.

congratulations to all

Congradulations to the weekly winners

-Mike Nuvi 360 Samsung M520 Sprint (Bluetooth'd)


Congratulations guys. You all deserve it.



Congratulations to both of you! Well deserved!

Skip nuvi 660


and kudos to ALL! smile


Freedom isn't free...thank you veterans! Heard about the tests to detect PANCREATIC CANCER? There aren't any! In Memoriam: #77 NYPD-SCA/Seattle Mike/Joe S./Vinny D./RTC!

Contributors of the week

Congradulations to all. I think it's a great honor and say keep up the great work.

Alan-Garmin c340

Contributors of the Week for June 18th 2007

Rick5266,FPichon & Gerrydrake Congrad to all

Auggie SP2720 , SP C330, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 785T,Dezl 770lmt America Moves By Truck

since its friday..

Getting close.. Who are we going to get for the "COW" award this week people?

So many new faces.. this place is geting biger and biger.. I know I am glad to be part of this great team that we all have created together!

Bobkz - Garmin Nuvi 3597LMTHD/2455LMT/C530/C580- "Pain Is Fear Leaving The Body - Semper Fidelis"