Ald. Reilly calls on city to fix red light camera problem

If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. - Yogi Berra

There will never be any

There will never be any refunds, because the city is too dependent on the money from the cameras.

wouldn't want to live there

I love Chicago as a visitor, be it business or pleasure. I would never want to live there, a 9.25% sales tax alone tells a lot.

Calif. is steep at the state level, and neither LA or SF can top Chicago. Great backdrop for Batman, the entire city has a very real image resembling Gotham

Avoid them

This is a good example of why I avoid going to places that have red light cameras whenever possible. It' also a good reason why communities should ban them.

Chicago Tribune Articles on Red Light Cameras

On Sunday, there was a very in depth article about spikes in tickets at certain red light camera intersections.

Warning, this is a very long read

On Monday, they continued with a story about people losing out on the chance to appeal their ill-begotten tickets.

And the link in the original post is from today. I haven't read the entire article from Monday, but I did read the other two. The articles touch on all of the finer points of red light camera intersections. It will be interesting to see what comes of yet another fantastic Chicago Tribune report.


Actually, this is the article from today

Someone should do a study on RLC's and crime/corruption #

Bet you'd find RLC Cities rank high in crime and corruption tallies also, wonder why?


johnnatash4 wrote:

I love Chicago as a visitor, be it business or pleasure. I would never want to live there, a 9.25% sales tax alone tells a lot.

Calif. is steep at the state level, and neither LA or SF can top Chicago. Great backdrop for Batman, the entire city has a very real image resembling Gotham

In Pennsylvania there is a 6% sales tax, in Philadelphia Pennsylvania the sales tax is 8% and they want more. Until this year, Philly was the only place in PA that has RLC's.

. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .

How about you doing so?

windwalker wrote:

Bet you'd find RLC Cities rank high in crime and corruption tallies also, wonder why?

Since you seem to be making a case for your point of view, why don't you do a study?

Chicago, New York for starters, bet DC has Cams

Tucson would probably make the list too but a former Police Chief changed reporting descriptions so we don't fall into the FBI definitions. Stroke of a pen our crime went down, lol