Mile Markers on Interstates
Fri, 03/28/2014 - 4:09pm
14 years
Hi all,
I was curious as to whether anyone knows if Mile Markers are available anywhere either as a POI or actually on any mapping software (google maps, map quest, etc).
One of the main reasons that we still don't use GPS on fire departments is besides the fact that our maps are more accurate (numerics-wise), they also come pre-made with mile markers. Sure, we have to input our own "POIs" for things like fire hydrants and interstate turnarounds, but does anyone know if milemarker files are commercially available?
this may have been discussed before
This topic may have been discussed before.
DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)
Washington State has one
Massachusetts may have one
The Garmin Dezl 760 can
The Garmin Dezl 760 can display "Next Mile Marker" when that info is available.