Garmin 2595
Mon, 08/26/2013 - 9:57pm
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![]() ![]() 13 years
Hello to all members of POI Factory. I have one question. I bought a Garmin 2595 which I will use most in N. America. This one has Lifetime maps and traffic.
What I want to know is, if I go to Europe, buy maps of Europe on SD Card) does it works properly.
Does Garmin have (lifetime updates) European maps on SD Card.
Maps on SD cards are WYBIWYG - What you buy is what you get. You buy a new edition if you want an upgrade. I'd look into Open Street Maps for Europe. They are routeable and the cost (free) can't be beat.
Illiterate? Write for free help.
does garmin invalidate the lifetime N America maps
Thanks for your info, I like that
I am wondering is, if I put those free European maps on my new gps it interfere with the validity of N America maps.
I would like to use free European maps, but I only use it every 2 years, I wonder if I lose the North America possibility of updates.
You're OK
Thanks for your info, I like that
I am wondering is, if I put those free European maps on my new gps it interfere with the validity of N America maps.
I would like to use free European maps, but I only use it every 2 years, I wonder if I lose the North America possibility of updates.
Installing a 2nd map will not mess with your North American lifetime maps. Remember that North American map updates are offered about 4x/year and that as long as you perform the update at least every couple of years, your lifetime updates will continue to work. Don't go more than two years without updating, though.
only the european ones every two years
I will update the N. America ones every 3 months. The European ones I do if I find free ones when I need to go to Europe.
If I put those free ones on the sd card you say I will be ok.
That is what I want to know.
only the european ones every two years
I will update the N. America ones every 3 months. The European ones I do if I find free ones when I need to go to Europe.
If I put those free ones on the sd card you say I will be ok.
That is what I want to know.
Can even have multiple Map files
Thanks for your info, I like that
I am wondering is, if I put those free European maps on my new gps it interfere with the validity of N America maps.
Life is easier now. I have a 2595 too, and like the Nuvis of recent years, you can even drop multiple free 3rd party map image files in the Map folder (for example for different regions in Europe), and the unit will use all of them without interference. My very old (but still working) Nuvi 350 was a pain because it only knew about a specific supplementary map name on the SD card, and you had to use Mapsource to combine regions into one image file.
SD Card
When you purchase the SD card make sure you buy one with ample memory. The full European Garmin maps are about 3GB and the free Open Source maps are even larger in size. I would suggest a 8GB or perhaps even a 16GB card. I like Sandisk cards, very reliable in my opinion.
When you copy the map to the SD card make sure to copy it to the created Map folder. You can name it anything you like as long as it has a .img extension.
Nuvi 2460LMT 2 Units
Life is easier now. I have a 2595 too, and like the Nuvis of recent years, you can even drop multiple free 3rd party map image files in the Map folder (for example for different regions in Europe), and the unit will use all of them without interference. My very old (but still working) Nuvi 350 was a pain because it only knew about a specific supplementary map name on the SD card, and you had to use Mapsource to combine regions into one image file.
Thanks for this info.
Will you please amplify on how you name the additional maps that get put into internal memory?
Map Naming
I assume the 2595 will work the same as my 2460.
To add additional maps to the Nuvi itself, create a folder in the root directory (NOT .sys folder).
Name that folder Map (M is capital a & p are small case). Now copy the map to that folder and name it anything you like, example is "My Europe Map.img".
As long as it has the .img extension it will be recognized. For goofs I just named a map my favorite 4 letter word, S_ _T.img, and sure as heck it's recognized. Just make sure the Map folder is properly named as indicated above. The map will appear in map info with the proper name and not the 4 letter obsenity I named it.
Remember to check the available memory on the Nuvi and the map size of the map you want to add to confirm there is enough room to copy the file to the Nuvi.
The same above procedure can be used when adding additional maps to an SD card.
Nuvi 2460LMT 2 Units
Inquiring minds want to know
I just named a map my favorite 4 letter word, S_ _T.img, and...
Salt? Sect? Sift? Slut? Slit? Slot? Soft? Spit? Swat?
Just kidding, I know that your favorite is Smut.
Nice to know this
Thank you for the information. I appreciate your input.
I try one 16GB Sd card and did not work
I tried a 16GB mini sd card and on the computer there was a red line on the drive and did not work. I will try a 8GB to see if works.
Works on mine
I tried a 16GB mini sd card and on the computer there was a red line on the drive and did not work. I will try a 8GB to see if works.
16GB card works fine on my 2595 !
MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !
Format card
I tried a 16GB mini sd card and on the computer there was a red line on the drive and did not work. I will try a 8GB to see if works.
16GB card works fine on my 2595 !
I too have used 16GB class10 SD cards and were recognized by my Nuvis.
If you have a card reader on your PC I suggest you put the SD card in the card reader and format it from there.
Be sure to format it to Fat32. Once formatted put it in the Nuvi and see if it is recognized. It's possible you have a bad card. As mentioned in an earlier post. I only use Sandisk cards.
Nuvi 2460LMT 2 Units
Open Street Maps
I also have a 2595 and would like to add some European maps. How accurate are the Open Street maps? Aren't they kind of like Wikipedia, where pretty much anyone can add content to them?
Yes as far as I can tell,
Yes as far as I can tell, open-sourced
Me Too
Yes as far as I can tell, open-sourced
I also have the Nuvi 2595, and I agree with snail700.
16gb sd card works
I tried a 16GB mini sd card and on the computer there was a red line on the drive and did not work. I will try a 8GB to see if works.
16GB card works fine on my 2595 !
Thanks, you are right the 16gb works..I did format the card and now I can see that works.
SD reader
I tried a 16GB mini sd card and on the computer there was a red line on the drive and did not work. I will try a 8GB to see if works.
Try a newer USB reader in your PC. The reader that you are using may not be able to address 16G.
Yes Like Wikipedia
Yes as far as I can tell, open-sourced
Yes, its sort of like Wikipedia. I used to make small corrections and additions to some regions of OpenStreetMaps, but many people stepped in and made so many high-quality additions and corrections that today's map is many more times detailed than it was just a couple of years back.