Lucky Lotto Place
12 years
I recently created a File containing Lucky Places that have some people a Millionaire. IF you know of some more places, Flood me with the Details so I can Add to the File. Good Luck (I'm an Actor and those words will Kill an Actor's Chance of making it, so IF you ever talk to an Actor, never, ever tell them "Good Luck" simply tell them to "Break-a-Leg" those are Lucky words to an Actor) I didn't state where the Number 1, 2, 3 etc places are, BUT I can say that SAFEWAY, in Goodyear, AZ IS THE Luckiest Place in Arizona to Buy Tickets. Number 2 is Fry's, also on McDowell Rd, near 83rd Ave. Buy your Tickets Late (Preferably 15 Minutes before the Drawing and you Stand a better Chance) I'll look forward to a Spanking Brand New Red Shiny Expensive P/U Truck when you Win..
According to the California Lottery,
the luckiest store in the state is:
...which has sold four winning tickets?!
Lucky Place
I know Blue Bird Liquor in Hawthorne has 5 Machines to Handle the Huge Crowds that stand in Line when the Cash Stakes are High. I'm not real sure just how many paople have become a Millionaire from there.
Don Duke aka Joe Casino
Lucky Lotto
Not sure who has sold four winning Tickets BUT I do know that they have made more than just 1 Millionaire
Don Duke aka Joe Casino
Lucky Place
Why not Download the Lucky Lotto Place File and IF you hav knowledge of any that is not Included, send the Info to so we can get it on the POI File
Don Duke aka Joe Casino
Luckiest Store in California is...
Blue Bird Liquor in Hawthorne, CA
Don Duke aka Joe Casino