Difference between Emergency and Pedestrian mode


What is the Difference between Emergency and Pedestrian mode? If necessary, the emergency Vehicle can go against one way streets. The only difference I can see is that it will go toward the location even if there are no streets (in pedestrian mode)

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

Not 100% sure since the Zumo

Not 100% sure since the Zumo doesn't have this mode, but I'm wondering if, as you say, the difference is that the Emergency vehicles would have to stick to the roads, and the pedestrians wouldn't have to.

yeah, I don't have that

yeah, I don't have that mode, but saw it on the nuvi that I want...lol.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

Pedestrian Mode

Pedestrian mode will still keep you on the streets. It will know however that you are not restricted with the one-way streets and will lead you down them againts traffic knowing you are on the sidewalk.

I have the emergency vehicle mode but have not tried it out yet to see what it does.
If it too will lead me the wrong way down a one-way street its probably best I just leave it alone smile

Garmin C330, Garmin Nuvi350

Emergency Mode

I'm not sure in Emergency mode, it will advise going against a one way street. But it will probably allow going thru restrictive roads/streets. IE: Private roads, County Maintanence roads, roads/streets regular traffic not allowed to use.

HarveyS - Nuvi 350