Sunspots May Disappear for Years
Wed, 06/15/2011 - 12:16pm
16 years
Just when I thought they were getting worst.
16 years
Just when I thought they were getting worst.
No more Global Warming
Now the "Chicken Little" whactivists will be decrying Global Cooling, and how we'd better do something about it.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
global warming
Now the "Chicken Little" whactivists will be decrying Global Cooling, and how we'd better do something about it.
Didn't the nutjobs claim that global warming causes global cooling?
Streetpilot C340 Nuvi 2595 LMT
have been limited for a number of years, prolonging the last solar cycle, delaying the current one, which has not been much of a cycle so far. Not sure why it is in the "news" now, because it has been going on for several years.
___________________ Garmin 2455, 855, Oregon 550t
What Global Warming
Didn't the nutjobs claim that global warming causes global cooling?
Global Warming has been blamed/credited for:
Unusually hot spells
Unusually cold spells
Unusually wet spells
Unusually dry spells
and, hemorrhoids.
This morning, I saw on the weather channel that all across the southern states, from Arizona to Georgia, with the exception of the Mississippi River Bottom, are in a prolonged drought, Meanwhile, the northern states, from the Dakotas to the Northeast have been receiving record rainfall. Which one of those were caused by global warming?
We had global warming last week -- it was in the mid- to high-90's the entire week. We don't have global warming this week -- we had a high of 65 today.
One thing that still confuses me, though, is what caused the glaciers in what is now Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc., to melt some 2 million years ago? Did the animals here at that time cause global warming, and thus destroy the ice fields?
Garmin Nuvi 1690
greenhouse gasses
One thing that still confuses me, though, is what caused the glaciers in what is now Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc., to melt some 2 million years ago? Did the animals here at that time cause global warming, and thus destroy the ice fields?
It's really simple. Greenhouse gases ate away the ozone layer causing the earth to heat up and therefore melt the glaciers. Everyone knows methane is a greenhouse gas and animals cause methane by eating vegetation. So the truth of the matter is to stop global warming nobody fart.
Illiterate? Write for free help.
So the truth of the matter is to stop global warming nobody fart.
Forgive us AlGore for we have emitted.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
What's not to believe?
The world is spewing untold toxins, and gases into the the air 24/7. Does anyone truly believe it does not create a change in the Earth's atmosphere?
Humanity in it's infancy, and stupidity, think they are the masters of this planet. The planet is being rapidly depleted of resources in all areas.
Climate change is a fact, despite what people think. Or, choose to ignore.
This planet existed before us, and will continue long after us.
Humans have proven to be a plague, because we do not live in balance with our little biosphere. Even animals don't shit where they live!
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
Humanity in it's infancy, and stupidity, think they are the masters of this planet. The planet is being rapidly depleted of resources in all areas.
Humanity is a rather fallible lot taken as a whole. If human activity could change the climate, it would have been screwed up beyond habitability and we'd have been extinct long before now.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
It's rapidly reaching that stage.
When you have to wear a face mask in a city to avoid breathing the particulate, there's a huge problem. Pick a major city, and it's self evident.
However, I'll back out of this thread now, as not many can see what the consequences are. I feel it's a debate that will never be realized to it's conclusion.
Money is King. Long live the king. And, damn the rest!
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
What really worries me is all the wind turbines popping up. They will eventually slow the rotation of the earth. Then all of our clocks will be useless. I have not figured out the time frame yet. I think there should be some studies done.
1490LMT 1450LMT 295w
Wind Turbines
Will kill all the birds before they slow the rotation of the earth.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
benefit for LightSquared?
Reduced sunspot activity should mean reduced interference for gps use. I wonder if LightSquared could benefit, basically taking up the sunspot slack without anyone noticing the difference?
Low 40s this morning.
Didn't the nutjobs claim that global warming causes global cooling?
Global Warming has been blamed/credited for:
Unusually hot spells
Unusually cold spells
Unusually wet spells
Unusually dry spells
and, hemorrhoids.
This morning, I saw on the weather channel that all across the southern states, from Arizona to Georgia, with the exception of the Mississippi River Bottom, are in a prolonged drought, Meanwhile, the northern states, from the Dakotas to the Northeast have been receiving record rainfall. Which one of those were caused by global warming?
We had global warming last week -- it was in the mid- to high-90's the entire week. We don't have global warming this week -- we had a high of 65 today.
One thing that still confuses me, though, is what caused the glaciers in what is now Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc., to melt some 2 million years ago? Did the animals here at that time cause global warming, and thus destroy the ice fields?
It was low 40s this morning here, felt quite nice. I'm not a fan of the heat. I will continue to enjoy this "warming". I for one have not sipped on the kool-aid, however my favorite flavor is grape
On a side note, I did visit the birthplace of kool-aid in Hastings Nebraska, wonder if the Kool-Aid museum is listed in the offbeat tourist attractions POI?
Recalculating... Ok back on topic. I don't believe we as humans should give ourselves the credit for destroying the Earth, there are factors far greater than us at work. Let's all relax and enjoy life and our travels!
Streetpilot C340 Nuvi 2595 LMT
Solar Cycles
The sun has normally gone through cycles with active and quieter periods. We've only monitored its cycles in the short term. At least this means less potential for signal disruption.
Life is what you make of it.
No More Sunspots..
Actually.. if I think about it, that's great. It's just that much less money I have to spend.. and Doctor visits I have to make to get rid of them. Maybe now I can stop using that awful cream on my arms that the Doctor ordered to get rid of my "sunspots".
I'm not really lost.... just temporarily misplaced!
Earth Could Be Heading for Another 'Little Ice Age'
Global warming or not global warming seems to be the question.
Nuvi 2460LMT
Heads or Tails
.. on all of it. So enjoy your day.
(But watch your butt.)
It's about the Line- If a line can be drawn between the powers granted and the rights retained, it would seem to be the same thing, whether the latter be secured by declaring that they shall not be abridged, or that the former shall not be extended.
Sunspot History
In the book "The Sun Kings: The Unexpected Tragedy of Richard Carrington and the Tale of How Modern Astronomy Began" an observation going back to the 18th century was noted; during periods of low sunspot activity, the wheat harvest declined. Only until recently was a theory put forward. It is believed that during high sunspot activity, there is less cloud cover so the earth heats up and wheat harvest goes up. When there are no sun spots, there is more cloud cover and the earth is cooler. The exact mechanism is not fully understood but tests show there are higher concentrations of interstellar particles in the upper atmosphere during solar minimums that seed the formation of clouds. It is believed high solar activity causes a solar wind that keeps the particles from reaching earth so less clouds are formed. Originally it was thought there was more heat reaching the earth during high solar activity but decades of measurements found that to be false.
I support the right to keep and arm bears.