Chit Chat Thread for the week of June 13th, 2011
Mon, 06/13/2011 - 9:56am
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![]() 18 years
This is the place to talk about things that are not gps related.
Have fun...
This thread will be closed on Monday and a new one will be opened.
MaryAnn Melby AKA Miss POI
Better week ahead
Heading to Door County WI later this week.
NUVI 660, Late 2012 iMac, Macbook 2.1 Fall 2008, iPhone6 , Nuvi 3790, iPad2
Cool Start
What happened to the Hot Weather, Its starting out on a Cool and Sunny Week..Love it..
Have a Great and Safe Week all.
Spring Weather is Gone.
It feels like summer here in the Sierra foothills. In the nineties today and humidity is high for some reason.
David Cross Garmin TravelSmart 86 Day after day as I try to remember, I find my forgetter working better and better.
Ride Vacation
Can't wait for next Saturday; a 6 day motorcycle ride! Will ride through or parts of PA, MD, VA, WV, NC, TN and GA.
Great roads and no thoughts about work!!!
Happy Monday
Happy Monday
I forgot 2B
Happy Monday
I am happy now!
1490LMT 1450LMT 295w
is in full bloom
100 degrees here today sun
100 degrees here today
sun tan time !!!
DriveSmart 50, DriveSmart 60, nuvi 2595, nuvi 3760,
ATV'ing last week while weather was a little on the cool side. Now it's back to the summer heat.
Nuvi 2595LMT Oregon 450 - Always drink upstream from the herd.
A great day in Cincinnati
Moderating temperatures and plenty of sunshine. Can't ask for anything better.
"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022
Good morning.
Good morning.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
good job
well done
She has put up with me for 48 yrs. just celebrated our anniversary, 6-10
You and your June bride have something to be very proud of, since things have gone south with the institution of marriage along with any vows they took. Cherish the past an the future together.
I toast you both.
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.
Cool outside today
Cool outside today
We got wet again last night rain, thunder and lighting. after midnight. Oh well have to wait another day to cut the lawn it's to wet.
johnm405 660 & MSS&T
Hey !!!
Where did Monday go?
Good Morning
Good Morning all POI- Members!

OK Back with the heat.
How long before Fall and Winter?
Randy C530, Nuvi 52
Gulf South
Like a sauna come to the gulf south 97f with 89%H guaranteed to make a good sweat.
193 days 'til X-mas.
How long before Fall and Winter?
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Im waiting for delivery of new deck boards
Im waiting for delivery of new deck boards and now its raining. ouch
sunburned from the weekend,
sunburned from the weekend, now in the rain!
Spring is back
I long for some sunshine. It seems to be Fall here all the time. Oh, summer will be here sometime,with no rains.
By all means take care of family, no question about it.
Happy Flag Day!!
Today, June 14th, is Flag Day. Hoe everyone is flying Old Glory today.
Have a great week and coming week end, everyone. Be safe and please take care of each other.
Hello, everyone!
Here Comes The Sun!
Enjoy the summer sun, everyone!
G' Mornin'
You can walk a horse to water, but a pencil has to be led.
Wife, dogs and I are in the Orlando area for about 5 weeks. Weather is great.
Have a great week.
Have a good day.
Have a good day.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Flying Back
Flying back to hot, humid Flori-duh this afternoon.
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
A Great Big Welcome Home Today
To the wonderful men and women of the 4 ships USS Bunker Hill, USS Stockdale, USS Gridley, and the carrier USS Carl Vinson which was involved in anti-piracy, Haitian relief, and a very notorious OBL “burial ad sea” among many other various missions. Some of these men and women are returning to the port of San Diego after as many as 10 different deployments. Thanks to you all for your great service!
Stay Safe, Sane, Sober & Solvent!
happy hump day
happy hump day
DriveSmart 50, DriveSmart 60, nuvi 2595, nuvi 3760,
Not yet, but it's comin'
I'll never be near the top of this thread.
Never keep track of the weeks. Travel too much!
Bring the cup back home
Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk
long week
It's Wednesday and been a long week already!
hang a help wanted sign
My girls are out of school now for the Summer. I am planning on enjoying my time with them and spending less time here at POI Factory.
I will be doing work on the days that I don't have my kids along with my regular Monday morning responsibilities.
So please understand and be patient if your file is not published right away or if your posted update to a file is not fixed right away.
My focus this summer has to be on my girls, I only get one chance to give them a good childhood and I am not going to screw it up.
Miss POI
Sounds like you could use a moderator or two!
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.
Have favorite rest.?
... a new grandchild
a girl, born 6/12. Life is good!
Spring, we are only days
Spring, we are only days away from officially summer.
hi everyone
hi everyone
if you want to ski you still can here in Utah
Outstanding Series and win!!!
Hot summer days.
Hot summer days.
projected off and on rain now thru sunday with sunday being the worst day.
Guess the outside cooking is off, Stay inside with KFC chicken. 
johnm405 660 & MSS&T