New Cameras Activated.. State Looks To Ban Them!!


Found this interesting news article on the internet. In part, this is a summed up version of what the article said.

"County commissioners unanimously approved turning on cameras at two county intersections. Commissioners initially were reluctant to turn on the cameras.. given the state’s move to repeal the red-light cameras, calling them intrusive and a move to generate revenues, rather than a serious safety measure."

I find two things interesting. (1).. The commissioners had them installed and activated even though the State government is looking to ban RLC's because (2).. the State considers RLC's to be "Not For Safety, but Revenue Generators"!!


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I'm not really lost.... just temporarily misplaced!

Clarkesville Georgia just added cameras

The small town of Clarkesville georgia just added cameras in all directions on Hwy 115 and hwy 197 intersection.

Zumo 550 on a 2014 Indian Chiefain, Garmin RV660