California Church

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Last updated 11/27/2007

Raw file: CA-Church_M.csv (1.01 MB)

Includes 8870 locations in the following areas:

  • United States: CA
  • some may be in: AZ, MEX, NV (near a border)

POI's of all the curch in California.
I get the original file from then I used an excel file to generate the CSV.
Version 1.1 (fixed some bugs on names)

Edit by RetiredTechnician 5-05-07: Corrected line 6447-combined field 3 and 4, moved field 5 to field 4 Corrected line 4983-combined field 3 and 4, moved field 5 to field 4. In addition to the previous changes, this file had [br] in place of linebreaks, which messes up the display in all GPSs except nuvi 350/360.