Forum post sort order-newest first?
Tue, 12/28/2010 - 3:40pm
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![]() 14 years
All of the forum posts are from oldest to newest. Some of the older threads are a couple of years old and you have to, at the very least, scroll to the bottom and take the highest page number (each time) to get to the new posts.
If someone posts to an older thread and it shows up in the Active Forum Topics, if you don't check the dates you may think the original post is recent and not know to scroll to the bottom to find that current entry.
Most forums now post the original entry followed by the newest to oldest responses. Can POI Factory software do this?
Unread posts.
I am sure Miss POI will answer your question, but I have found that if you navigate from the "Unread Posts" list rather than "Recent posts", it takes you directly to the newest unread post in each thread.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
Try this
Just click on Unread Posts, and then the thread title. It will take you to the post where you've left off.
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
Be signed in
I am sure Miss POI will answer your question, but I have found that if you navigate from the "Unread Posts" list rather than "Recent posts", it takes you directly to the newest unread post in each thread.
Just be sure to be signed in as a "user" and not visiting the site as a "guest" for this to work. Luckily, it appears that the site leaves a cookie or something on your computer to keep you signed in for days after you've first checked in so long as you don't Log Out.
I didn't know that
It is good to know. Will save some time scrolling through the old posts.
Signed in
Yes, I'm signed in, I usually check that.
Unread posts helps but once you've gone to the thread then it's removed from the unread posts list. You can go to Recent Posts, which keeps the thread because it's active, but the order is still oldest to newest.
Facebook does newest first, most of the forums I visit are newest first. I just wanted to suggest it here, it just seems easier to use.
Thanks for the replies; good for others too
Rich Nuvi 255W, 2597LMT
we are a bit limited because
we are a bit limited because this is a Drupal setup. Other forums run on other web platforms and do not need the complexity that we do to support the data files that we host here.
Miss POI
Drupal code
I have zero experience with Drupal but according to their site, you can select the order.
Someone posted a similar issue and the response (link above) was:
"If i understand you correctly, just visit admin/content/node-type/forum and/or admin/content/forum/settings and change the order however you like."
The original posting is at the top of each page but you can opt for ascending or descending order of follow up posts.
Just suggesting that newest to oldest might be a more familiar format.
Rich Nuvi 255W, 2597LMT
it would be nice
if the newest posts were listed first.