the Highest Art Form yet: Traveling with custom POIs in your GPS


Hello All,

See the map of America's Blues Highway:

"God said, 'Out on highway 61!'" in Bob Dylan's lyrical interpretation of the Old Testament story of God testing Abraham's devotion. Abraham had asked God , "Where do you want this KILLING done?"

Highway 61 is, was, and will be, the American blues highway between New Orleans and Chicago. Dylan, then Bobby Zimmerman, was from Hibbing Minnesota on the north end of highway 61, but he went to New York to hone his craft.

I put these dis-parent ideas together, into a custom POI for a highway 61 trip. The the Points Of Interest are spaced along the route from follows the eastern side of the Mississippi river. The names are the names of musicians and/or their songs. Not knowing what the best deal might be for a traveler and American music fan, I put my sites link. I'm pretty sure that Amazon or Apple will so glad to sell individual songs or albums.

I like Mother McCree's Jug Band Champions, (a forerunner of the Grateful Dead,) and they have public domain downloadable version of Chuck Berry's Memphis in MP3 format. Memphis is about midway on highway 61, and epitomizes American Music.


"If you find a fork in the road, pick it up." Y. Bera.