

how would you like to be able to communicate in the future with out tipping on this site. with simplicity where you can explain in more detail how to solve issue with your GPS by using your voice and eliminating the hassle of typing,and eliminating the specifics of what some one is trying to say. i have notice that some off you have more knowledge than most web sites has to offer, i am putting together a team speak server where will be able to talk to one another free of charge and get to no each other by voice not tipping.indeed this is the best web site for knowledge and infomation so tell me what you think.

the art off war is never a winning combination for any one 1490T


I think you mean typing, not tipping.

I like it this way

The whole site is like an archive. If you're persistent enough and know what you're looking for, you can find answer to almost every question you can possible have without asking it.

your right

yes you are right

the art off war is never a winning combination for any one 1490T

if your tipping is anything

if your tipping is anything like your speaking, I may have a hard time understanding you smile