2011.10 is out, but...
Wed, 04/21/2010 - 2:19pm
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Good news?
Garmin's City Navigator NA NT is now available, but only proloaded on SD cards, not the map update download that most of us want.
Here's the link to the SD card:
Even better, here's the link to the interactive 2011.10 map so you can check to see if revisions you're hoping to see have arrived!
With the SD card out, the download should follow shortly, and I half-expect DorkUsNimrod will be the first to tell us about it
They just showed up on My
They just showed up on My Garmin page.Little confused though it shows as City Navigator North America NT 2010.30 Limited, Deluxe All Regions, Oct 09
.The download shows 2011.10 at 2.17 gb.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
did they show up twice Charles?
deleted double post.
Ray<-- has to rib Charles when I have the chance:))
Edit, damn, he beat me to it and corrected it...LOL!!
You can walk a horse to water, but a pencil has to be led.
Thanks for posting the links.
it is ready for dl as well
Manage Maps
Map associated with this GPS
Available Map Updates
nüvi® 250
Shop for more maps
Activate Gift Card
City Navigator North America NT 2010.40, US & Canada - Limited, Jan 10
Lifetime Update Available
All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush
Everyday is a GREAT day :)
Maps out for download
deleted double post.
Ray<-- has to rib Charles when I have the chance:))
Edit, damn, he beat me to it and corrected it...LOL!!
RAY .I just happen to go to My Garmin Page not expecting to find any thing.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Hee, I did say that I expected the download would be out shortly, but I am amazed at how shortly the time frame was!
Everyday is a GREAT day :)
Funny I haven't got an Email
Funny I haven't got an Email verification from Garmin about the update.
All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush
I went there and it is not showing any update available
I went there and it is not showing any update available for my 885T with lifetime maps.
I wonder if they are staggering the availability to avoid the bottleneck that has occured in the past.
Garmin Drive Smart 55 - Samsung Note 10 Smartphone with Google Maps & HERE Apps
Ready to go
I'm ready to go. I'll just need to press "Download Again" button, but I have to wait to get home from my work.
Note on download page
This note on the download page may be of interest to Windows 7 and Vista users.
Note: Windows® Vista and Windows 7 operating systems will check the downloaded file before extracting it. This may take an additional 20 to 40 minutes. Your PC will not display a progress indicator during this check. However, once the check is complete, you will see the progress of the file extraction
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
My Update Report Is Included
Even better, here's the link to the interactive 2011.10 map so you can check to see if revisions you're hoping to see have arrived!
My update sent to NAVTEQ in December 2008 is now included in 2011.10 - Yippee!
I will wait a day or two before applying for the one-time free update for my 765T.
I support the right to keep and arm bears.
Downloading on my other puter "as we speak"
25 minutes left at 1 MB/sec transfer rate.
MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !
Funny, I have three
Funny, I have three lifetimes updates for three different units, two for two different 885t's and one for a 265WT. The one for the 265WT is the only one showing available for update.
Great news, the wait is over. 18 minutes to go...
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
They are having a problem with the update showing for 8xx series
Funny, I have three lifetimes updates for three different units, two for two different 885t's and one for a 265WT. The one for the 265WT is the only one showing available for update.
I have a 885t and just got off the phone with Garmin tech support.
They are having a problem with the update showing as available on the 800 series.
They are aware of it and are working on a fix that they thought would happen very quickly.
Garmin Drive Smart 55 - Samsung Note 10 Smartphone with Google Maps & HERE Apps
Downloading to my new style 260w (255w clone) as we speak.
Mygarmin found it when I checked a few minutes ago ... and I logged on here to post the news ... only to find out I was atleast an hour late. Hmmm
Garmin 205, 260W, 1450LMT, 2460LMT, HEREwego for iPhone ... all still mapping strong.
Thank you!
Funny, I have three lifetimes updates for three different units, two for two different 885t's and one for a 265WT. The one for the 265WT is the only one showing available for update.
I have a 885t and just got off the phone with Garmin tech support.
They are having a problem with the update showing as available on the 800 series.
They are aware of it and are working on a fix that they thought would happen very quickly.
Thank you...saves me a call to Garmin.
Will DL tonight.
Funny, I have three lifetimes updates for three different units, two for two different 885t's and one for a 265WT. The one for the 265WT is the only one showing available for update.
I have a 885t and just got off the phone with Garmin tech support.
They are having a problem with the update showing as available on the 800 series.
They are aware of it and are working on a fix that they thought would happen very quickly.
Thank you...saves me a call to Garmin.
Checked my Garmin. It's ready to be downloaded.
I wish I were at home. I will have to wait until tonight.
Installed 2011.10 Map On My Nuvi 660 - No Problem
I just finished downloading and installing the 2011.10 map update on my 660. It updated without a single problem.
For the record, this was the amount of free space remaining on my 660 with each of the mapsets I've installed:
New, with 2008 maps - 540MB
After 2010.10 update - 428MB
After 2010.20 update - 394MB
After 2010.30 update - 379MB
After 2010.40 update - 365MB
After 2011.10 update - 270MB
I was able to install the update without having to delete any files.
1. Backed up all current files on the 660 to my PC (WinXP Pro SP3).
2. The 2.17GB download took 13 min. over my 25Mb internet connection.
3. Using the free 7-Zip program, I extracted the files in the rar file to an empty work folder which took 7 min.
4. Finally, I ran the Setup.exe file from the \Windows sub-folder where I extracted the contents of the rar file. It took 1 hr, 57 min. to complete the install (install
MapSource on the PC & upload the map file to the 660) due in most part to the slow USB 1.1 port of the 660.
5. (Optional) To free up some disk space on my PC (about 1.7GB), I went into Windows Control Panel>Add or Remove Programs and deleted the 2010.40 maps.
The 2011.10 map update installed version 6.15.11 of MapSource on my PC.
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
New Maps
There seems to be some problem with the Europe Maps.
They come up as corrupt / broken when installing.
Upon further investigation, the maps shown as Europe have some North American info in them.
So somthing is not right.
I tried downloading them 4 times now with the same results.
I had no probelm at all with the actual North American download.
Mexico included
If you haven't noticed it yet, Mexico map is unlocked and included with this newest version.
Download went without a
Download went without a hitch.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
I just got the latest available 4/19
Looks like I missed out. I downloaded 2010.40 on 4/19. I suppose I will be buying the lifetime updates on ebay for less than $100 - 8% BCB to go with my newly purchased refurbished 1490t. I'll probably wait awhile to see how it goes.
No email
Funny I haven't got an Email verification from Garmin about the update.
I have never got a email for the many times I have downloaded the maps.Have contacted Garmin several times about this.They say it may be a system problem and they re-enter info but still no luck getting notice.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
If you haven't noticed it yet, Mexico map is unlocked and included with this newest version.
Where are the Mexico maps loaded and how do you get to them?
Bobby....Garmin 2450LM
Mexico is in the new update?
Mexico is in this new update? Now that is cool, and about time! I mean, again, Mexico is in North America and should be included in the North America maps.
Mexico is in this new update? Now that is cool, and about time! I mean, again, Mexico is in North America and should be included in the North America maps.
Basic map is there but no POI's.
Bobby....Garmin 2450LM
If you haven't noticed it yet, Mexico map is unlocked and included with this newest version.
Where are the Mexico maps loaded and how do you get to them?
Where to/Address/Change Country... and there it is
There are a few
Mexico is in this new update? Now that is cool, and about time! I mean, again, Mexico is in North America and should be included in the North America maps.
Basic map is there but no POI's.
There are quite a few POI's on the map (when checked using MapSource)
If you haven't noticed it yet, Mexico map is unlocked and included with this newest version.
Where are the Mexico maps loaded and how do you get to them?
Where to/Address/Change Country... and there it is
Doesn't work on mine...I type Mexico and it says no matches found.
Bobby....Garmin 2450LM
Thanks for the heads up
Downloading now..
Doesn't work on mine...I type Mexico and it says no matches found.
Try the following:
Where To?>Cities>Spell> "Mexico City" >Done. Now select "Mexico City, DF", then press the Map button. If you have map detail displaying, then it's on your unit (it is on my 765). If your unit supports 3D Buildings (7x5 series), they are displayed as well.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
2011.10 Mexico Not On 1490T
My 1490T had very little internal memory left, so I assume the unlock code assigned by Garmin did not include Mexico. The map detail is not there. The Update also bumped the firmware from 3.9 to 4.0. Not an issue for me because I don't foresee needing Mexico maps.
My 1490T had very little internal memory left, so I assume the unlock code assigned by Garmin did not include Mexico
I believe all 1xxx series units have very limited free memory (~100MB or so), including the top-of-the-line 1690. Not a very wise decision to supply such limited free memory, especially for the 1690.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
If you haven't noticed it yet, Mexico map is unlocked and included with this newest version.
I didn't notice but, muchas gracias, mi compadre! Fantastico!
And, a Thank You to Garmin.
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
You're right!
If you haven't noticed it yet, Mexico map is unlocked and included with this newest version.
I always thought Mexico was part of North America, someone at Garmin must agree. At this point, I would assume that it shows up for those who have the NA version which also includes Canada. Those who have the US version that includes Puerto Rico and Hawaii may not have access to the detailed maps south of the US border.
"There's no substitute for local knowledge" nüvi 750, nüvi 3597
2011.10 Downloaded File is the Same Only US and Canada Unlocked
I would assume that it shows up for those who have the NA version which also includes Canada. Those who have the US version that includes Puerto Rico and Hawaii may not have access to the detailed maps south of the US border.
I checked the downloaded update file, and it is indeed the full NA version. There was only 75MB free left on the 1490, and as Dorkus mentioned, probably the 1690 as well. Judging from Gary A's posting above with the image sizes, there would have been no room to include Mexico. Having to manually remove voice files to make room would have been too much for the average consumer, so Garmin avoided that option. Too bad Garmin chose to equip these units with only 2GB of FLASH.
Too bad Garmin chose to equip these units with only 2GB of FLASH.
Agreed. I wonder how many cents Garmin saved per unit by limiting the on-board memory to only 2GB...sure, you do have the option of loading the maps to an SD Card but even the much older nuvi 7x0/7x5/8x5 series came with 4GB.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
Doesn't work on mine...I type Mexico and it says no matches found.
Try the following:
Where To?>Cities>Spell> "Mexico City" >Done. Now select "Mexico City, DF", then press the Map button. If you have map detail displaying, then it's on your unit (it is on my 765). If your unit supports 3D Buildings (7x5 series), they are displayed as well.
This worked on my 660. When I zoomed the map in to the 200ft level, lots of built-in POIs showed up.
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
4GB is Nice
Too bad Garmin chose to equip these units with only 2GB of FLASH.
Agreed. I wonder how many cents Garmin saved per unit by limiting the on-board memory to only 2GB...sure, you do have the option of loading the maps to an SD Card but even the much older nuvi 7x0/7x5/8x5 series came with 4GB.
Yes, that was a pleasant surprise when I checked my 765T. My C550 has 2GB and I use an SD card for most things. It still beats my C330 with only 1GB.
I support the right to keep and arm bears.
Getting Mexico on 1490T
Has anyone deleted the unnecessary language files to free up internal memory before downloading 1011.10?
Will you then be able to get the Mexico map?
You can load missing maps with MapInstall or MapSource
My 1490T had very little internal memory left, so I assume the unlock code assigned by Garmin did not include Mexico. The map detail is not there. The Update also bumped the firmware from 3.9 to 4.0. Not an issue for me because I don't foresee needing Mexico maps.
You can load the missing maps (if they are missing) to an SD card with either MapInstall or MapSource. My c530 doesn't have enough memory to store all the US maps internally, so I chose Lower 49 +PR SW and then loaded Canada, Alaska, the remaining US states, and all of Mexico to my SD card. Works fine.
I only wish that Garmin would make it easier and allow you to choose the areas missing with the same area name as they use for the original install. Have to choose each small area in MapInstall to create the map for the SD card, and not sure exactly what areas were not included in my original install (you can check the map that shows up when you do the original install, but it is difficult to remember exactly what was shown and what was not). However, according to Garmin, there is no problem if an area is selected twice.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
The 7x0
Too bad Garmin chose to equip these units with only 2GB of FLASH.
Agreed. I wonder how many cents Garmin saved per unit by limiting the on-board memory to only 2GB...sure, you do have the option of loading the maps to an SD Card but even the much older nuvi 7x0/7x5/8x5 series came with 4GB.
The 7x0 only has 2GB of storage, at least that's the size of my 760.
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.
Thanks Craig
I check each update waiting for my street to get a name on the map. With this update the street shows up (as a line again) but still unnamed. My 760 only knows home as "turn on road."
Maybe next update.
Nuvi 760 & 660, Streetpilot, GPS III, GPS 10X
The 7x0 only has 2GB of storage, at least that's the size of my 760.
I believe you're correct, Rick...will have to check later on but I think you're right. I never seemed to have memory issues for map updates though and still have all default voices loaded on the unit...likely the 1xxx series is using a lot more of the 2GB for firmware and other files.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
Nuvi 1250
The 7x0 only has 2GB of storage, at least that's the size of my 760.
I believe you're correct, Rick...will have to check later on but I think you're right. I never seemed to have memory issues for map updates though and still have all default voices loaded on the unit...likely the 1xxx series is using a lot more of the 2GB for firmware and other files.
As purchased, my Nuvi 1250 had about 150 MB of unused memory. After I removed all "unnecessary" voice, help, vehicle etc. files the available portion of internal memory reached almost 500 MB. This unit has 2 GB of internal memory and now, after I installed 2011.10 it still has 425 MB of free space.
Mexio there
If you haven't noticed it yet, Mexico map is unlocked and included with this newest version.
Where are the Mexico maps loaded and how do you get to them?
Where to/Address/Change Country... and there it is
Doesn't work on mine...I type Mexico and it says no matches found.
See it on the 265.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.