Glamis Sand Dunes - Calif.

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Last updated 02/05/2011

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Includes 28 locations in the following area:

  • United States: CA

Southeastern California, east of Brawley, CA & west of Yuma AZ

The Imperial Sand Dunes are the largest sand dunes open to off-highway vehicle use (usually Sandrails and quads with sand tires) in the United States. The dunes begin 10 miles southeast of Niland and stretch all the way into Mexico, over 40 miles away. The Dunes vary in width from about a quarter mile at the top end of the Mammoth Wash area, to about 5 miles in width below Highway 78. The Algodones Sand Dune system covers 1,000 square miles, making it one of the largest dune complexes in North America. There is over 150,000 acres designated as open or having limited use and about 32,000 acres are designated Wilderness (North Algodones Dunes Wilderness Area) and closed to OHVs (mostly north of Hwy. 78). Although visited year round, during the summer months you need to be prepared for temperatures consistently exceeding 100° and reaching 120° on occasion. However, like most of the California desert, the humidity is low and the nights cool down considerably. Since the annual rain fall is less than 2", the only winter hazard is blowing sand. Winter temperatures are typically in the 60-70° range.

Glamis is considered the northern part of the OHV area at the Imperial Sand Dunes. The south part, near Interstate-8 includes Gordon's Well, Buttercup and Ogilby.

Busiest weekends are: Thanksgiving (160,000), New Years, President's, Halloween, Martin Luther King and Easter (35,000) - 2004 numbers.

Elevation - 200 - 500 ft.

Directions to Glamis
From Los Angeles
- Take the I-10 past Palm Springs and Indio to the 86S Expressway.
- Take the 86S past the Salton Sea were it will join with the 78.
- Continue past Westmoreland and Brawley.
- Stay on the Hwy 78 out of Brawley (do not take 86 out of town)
- Hwy 78 merges with Hwy 115
- As Hwy 78/115 makes a big sweeping right turn, Turn left on Hwy 78
- Continue on the Hwy 78 to the Imperial Sand Dunes ~19 miles
- The first road you hit to the right is Gecko Rd.

From San Diego
- Take the I-8 east to El Centro.
- Take the Hwy 111 north
- Optional: You can turn on Hwy 115 (bypasses Brawley), then right on Hwy 78
- Turn right on Hwy 78
- Hwy 78 merges with Hwy 115
- As Hwy 78/115 makes a big sweeping right turn, Turn left on Hwy 78
- Continue on the Hwy 78 to the Imperial Sand Dunes ~19 miles
- The first road you hit to the right is Gecko Rd.

From Phoenix
- Take 1-10 West out of Arizona to Blythe
- As you pass Blythe, look for the California Hwy 78 exit (Neighbors Blvd.). Exit here and at the top of the ramp turn left (South).
- Continue South on Hwy 78 through Ripley and Palo Verde (~ 50 miles to Glamis)
- After you cross the railroad tracks, you will see Glamis Beach Store.
Directions to Gordons Well (Dune Buggy Flats)
I-8 to the Gordons Well Exit. At the T, turn right. Cross bridge over the canal and you're at Dune Buggy Flats

Directions to Buttercup, Midway, Grays Well
I-8 to the Grays Well Exit. Buttercup is to the left. Midway and Grays Well are to the right on Grays Well Rd.
Directions to Ogilby
Take the Ogilby Road (S34) exit from Interstate 8. Continue north for about 3 miles About 100ft before the railroad tracks, take a left. Then follow the power lines, curve to the right. There's a small sign. Keep going, it gets narrow and soft. Head for the tower. There is a BLM pay station at the camp.
Camping Areas - ISDRA
Glamis - Gecko Rd, Cement Flats, Canal, Osborne Lookout, Glamis Flats, Wash Rd.

Gordons Well / Dune Buggy Flats

Buttercup - Buttercup, Grays Well, Midway, Plank Rd.


2/5/11 - Took out commas in Col C for new 2.6 POI Loader