Address Book in Nvi 765T, how to use it?


I have a question regarding the "Address Book" in the 765T. How are entries in it different from entries in favorites? How is it typically used? Is there a way to synchronize it with Outlook's address book?

Address Book

As best I can see the "Address Book" is nothing more than a category in your favorites file. So any saved Addresses are actually Favorites with the category box checked for 'Address Book".

As too synchronizing with other address sources there is probably a way involving batch geo-coding and file conversion and POI editing and POI loading. If you learn about those processes I expect you could then get it done.


:260W, 50LM


You can export your Outlook contacts and create your own custom POI file. The instructions for exporting the contacts can be found here

Once you have saved your contacts as a csv file you can use Extra_POI_Editor to create the custom POI

Thanks for your quick

Thanks for your quick replies!