Newb checking in!
Fri, 03/16/2007 - 4:28pm
17 years
I stumbled across this forum as I am a new owner of a Garmin Nuvi 350. Having never used any sort of GPS system before, and not knowing what to expect, Google fond this site.
I have no idea how POI works, and I though the GPS would show stuff like restaurants while traveling a route. Maybe the 350 will and I haven't figured it out yet.
Anyway, I will read and learn, and if you have any tips for the Nuvi 350 I am all ears!!
Sadly, I will be without my new toy for about 1 week, it has dead pixel right in the middle of the screen, and I guess I am anal about spending $400 and having a blemish so soon!! Garmin is great for the customer service
Newb checking in!
Welcome! Lots of Nuvi 350 users on this site and all are ready to help should you have questions regarding your new GPS. You're going to love it!
Do a search, for example on
Do a search, for example on POI, you will have all sorts of information that you can read and learn about your GPS. If you still have questions, this forum will be more than happy to answer any questions you have.
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
Thanks for the welcome. I do
Thanks for the welcome. I do have a quick question on POI's in general. Do they show up on the map as your driving a route, kinda like the name of a park does? Or are they just in the data base for a "search"??
For them to showup on the
For them to showup on the map requires a .bmp file associated with that poi and you have to set the viewing to maximum
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
Thanks for the info
Thanks for the information, I was wondering why my POI's would not show up on the map.