Another Interesting Article


Interesting studies

Interesting Article to say the least. I do think it makes people to be careful if they know there is a camera. But sometimes people slam the breaks when they realise late that there is a camera and thats what causes the accidents.

Red Light Cameras Just Don't Work

The article contains a lot of half-truths and observations taken out of context. It is true that a new red light camera installation will create more crashes, but the crashes are usually rear-enders rather than the T-Bone in the intersection. After the cameras have been in for a couple of months, the number and frequency of crashes plummets.

The question to ask then is which is worse, a rear-end collision or a T-Bone where someone is seriously injured or killed? And no, I don't like the cameras either, but both sides of the story need to be told.

ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet

And You Base This On What?

Could you provide a link to a study that supports your comment that the number and frequency of crashes plummets a few months after cameras are installed.

I fail to see how a red light camera will reduce t-bone crashes. If someone is going to run a light and thereby create a t-bone crash, I don't think a red light camera is going to stop them!!