Garmin 760 vs 660
Tue, 06/10/2008 - 10:48pm
17 years
How do these units compare? I just bought the 760 and have the 660. I love the multiple routes but a lot of other things I am not liking.
The screen on the 760 does not seem as clear.
The latency on the 760 seems more.
It seems like I have passed a street before it shows on me passing on the 760.
Is the quality of the 760 just less? I know it does not come with the AC or carrying case.
The 760 also seems useless charging with the USB or DC power cord. It appears you have to use the AC charger to be effective.
I have the 660 and i love
I have the 660 and i love it. I Dont even use half of the features.
Nuvi 660. Nuvi 40 Check out. Irish Saying. A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.
Is there a way on the 760 to change the accuracy of the GPS? There was on the 660.
No. WAAS is not an option on the 700 series. From what I have read so far, WAAS is not used in the 700 series.
I will buy that.....
Gamutho New York
I love the 660 but had an issue recently where I would lose satellite reception. I sent to Garmin and they sent me a unit that was noted as "newly overhauled". Works well.
I love the 660 but had an issue recently where I would lose satellite reception. I sent to Garmin and they sent me a unit that was noted as "newly overhauled". Works well.
Reception problem with mine and extended warranty
Hey folks, after using my nuvi 680 for almost 15 months, I started to have the satellite reception problem last week. The genius would ask me if I was indoors and if xxJune2008 was the correct date. After confirming repeatedly, it would just show "No Satellite Service", while my AT&T Tilt with Garmin XT would find satellites right away. I threw the GPS, cable, and the PRP (Product Replacement Plan) from Best Buy in a little plastic bag, and walked into my favorite store on earth. After 15 minutes, I was playing with the settings of nuvi 780, and all I had to pay was the prorated PRP on the new nuvi (approx $15). Not bad for an upgrade
Best Buy's PRP for GPS costing under $100 was well-worth it. The extended plans on my DVD players, LCD TV, and other things... I guess I should have invested that money somewhere else
Thanks but how do you guys think they compare to each other?
700 series vs 600 Series
Garmin 760 vs 660
I have them both and definately prefer the 760, but change was uncomfortable at first. I realized how much I liked the different features of the 760 when I went on a trip and forgot the mount for the 760. I carry the 660 as a spare for just this type of event. That should tell you how much I depend on GPS to make my job easier. I had not used the 660 much since getting the 760 and the first dramatic difference was the keyboard layout. If you use a computer keyboard, QWERTY is definately helpful on GPS and I instantly missed that on the 660.
I know the alphabet, but don't remember seeing it lined up in alphabetical order since I saw it hang over the blackboard in grade school. Yes, I know the blackboard predates the greenboard, the whiteboard and now the Smartboard, and I do too. It's just more difficult for me to spell anything with the letters in alphabetical order when you are used to using a keyboard; odd, but true.
There were other things that I had quickly become used to on the 760 that I didn't realize until going back to the 660 but I can't remember them all. You notice them when you try to use a different feature and fing that it is not on that model.
The routes are a big help to me. The screen seems great on the 760. You might try adjusting the brightness and contrast. I use both in a convertible and find the 760 screen to be better and visible in full sun.
I think some of the hesitation has come with the 2009 map update and thought I saw a post that indicated that Garmin is working on a fix for that issue.
I continue to carry the 660 for a spare and loan it to family members and friends from out of town. It sure beats trying to direct them all over town.
nüvi 880 - nüvi 760 - nüvi 660 - StreetPilot 2620 - Portland, Oregon
Screen Contrast
The screen seems great on the 760. You might try adjusting the brightness and contrast. I use both in a convertible and find the 760 screen to be better and visible in full sun.
I also have both. Looking at both units from any angle, The 660 offers sharper edges on the screen fonts and images, as well darker contrast while the 760 appears bluish-gray if not almost white. Btw, how do you adjust the contrast on the 760?
The screen seems great on the 760. You might try adjusting the brightness and contrast. I use both in a convertible and find the 760 screen to be better and visible in full sun.
I also have both. Looking at both units from any angle, The 660 offers sharper edges on the screen fonts and images, as well darker contrast while the 760 appears bluish-gray if not almost white. Btw, how do you adjust the contrast on the 760?
I should have stated brightness, as contrast is not adjustable. Thanks.
nüvi 880 - nüvi 760 - nüvi 660 - StreetPilot 2620 - Portland, Oregon
I thought the same thing. I
I thought the same thing. I think the 660 is sharper and the 760 while offering more lacks some of the quality.