Mon, 05/19/2008 - 9:17pm
17 years
I have a set of coordinates, but when I try to enter into my Garmin 760 in coordinates there are too many numbers whats up?
17 years
I have a set of coordinates, but when I try to enter into my Garmin 760 in coordinates there are too many numbers whats up?
I don't have a 760
I don't have a 760 but in my C330 and C340 I can't load coordinates directly into my unit. That can only be done using custom POIs and Garmins POI Loader application.
In the units I have you have to have a name of an establishment, an address or use one of Garmins preloaded POIs to make a Favorite.
MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !
bobisleo wrote: I have a
I have a set of coordinates, but when I try to enter into my Garmin 760 in coordinates there are too many numbers whats up?
I think it would help to know just what you were trying to do and what you were inputing.
What are the coordinates?
"Those that stop and smell the roses, must realize that once in awhile you may get a whiff of fertilizer."..copyright:HDHannah1986 -Mercedes GPS - UCONNECT 430N Chrysler T&C - Nuvi 2598- Nuni2555 - Nuvi855 - Nuvi295W - Nuvi 750 - Ique 3600
format ...
you probably need to convert your coordinates to the appropriate format.
many threads on this site about this ... do a search for coordinates or convert coordinates
I have a set of coordinates, but when I try to enter into my Garmin 760 in coordinates there are too many numbers whats up?
I think we have the same way to enter the coordinates. I have a nuvi350.
Once you are in the coordinates screen. there is a button format. pressed it.
then you have option what kind of coodinates you have:
the formats are:
a) ddd mm ss.s
b) ddd mm.mmm - this is usually the format used in the custom poi and if got the coordinates from the google this is also the format
c) ddd.dddddd
once you selected the format: you need the two numbers the N and W. The W is the (-) part of the coordinates.
Have those options, but there only eight spaces for the entry in all formats, the coordinates I had were longer. Thank you for the info. (40.056303 80.670430)wont fit under any format
40.056303 - 80.670430 Got them off the Poi Friend site.Suppose to be for Oglebay, W. Virginia
Too Many Decimal Places -- Not Necessary
40.056303 - 80.670430 Got them off the Poi Friend site.Suppose to be for Oglebay, W. Virginia
Just put in as many as you have room for. You will be fine.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
not sure what the period is for... but I found in dealing with the custom CSV/POI files, the way youshow it, it may have to be reversed, you stated "40.056303, -80.670430" but the CSV reverses it so try to enter it in as -80.670430, 40.056303.
Some systems only take up to 4 decimal points, so you may try -80.6704, 40.0563
Garmin c330 w/ 2011 maps
6 places after the decimal
(Alton Brown Mode)
6 places after the decimal is plenty. 1 degree of longitude is 60 nautical miles (nmi) at the equator (latitude is always 60nmi). One nmi is 6076ft. so 0.000001 degrees is 0.36456 feet which is well below standard GPS accuracy
(/Alton Brown Mode)