Bus Follows GPS, Shears Roof
Mon, 04/21/2008 - 9:36pm
17 years
In Seattle, a bus driver reminded all of us that a GPS is a co-pilot, not an auto-pilot. Apparently, the driver says he did not see the flashing lights indicating that the bridge had a 9 foot height limit. The GPS had given him the route, so he figured it was fine. The end result? The bus is now one ugly convertible.
On a positive note, it does not appear that anyone was seriously injured.
Sorry if someone posted this already.
9' - 0"
Strange, I can very plainly see the big, yellow 9' - 0" sign in the photo. Apparantly, the driver was reeeaaaly on auto-pilot!
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
re: 9' - 0"
Poor guy. He should have also invested in Lasik if he can't see the big yellow sign.
Garmin C530 Garmin Zumo 550
I really thought there was a bug on my screen..........lol
Earl-Nuvi 350