Updated POIs


Is there some kind of program or utility that allows you to compare two POI files of the same name or category to see if there has been any changes or updates.

For instance, if I have two different Walmart POI files, can I compare both of them to see if there are any differences between the two i.e. updates, different long and lat coordinates, etc.

Also - one file may have 120 points of interest in it and a newer one may have 124 of them. How do I tell which are newly added without having to go through each POI entry line one at a time?


If the 2 files have different creation dates, I think it is safe to assume you want the newest. Just overwrite the original file.

Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.

Right Click for Properties

If you right click on a csv file and select properties, you will get the date and time it was last edited. That should help you some. smile

nüvi 3590LMT "always backup your files"

ummm...that would be nice to

ummm...that would be nice to have a program to compare the two, however, I am not sure what you could use as the constant. What I mean is... I know how I could compare the two if the two rows were the same walmart.

You could do something like...

Select *
from POI P
where exists (Select 1
from POI 2
where something = something
and somethingelse <> somethingelse)

But you would have to do it in a loop. Any SQL programmers out there that could do it? I am sure that you would have to loop it through all the columns to see if the name, coordinates, or other had changed.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

File comparison

Although date/time comparison may help in determining if two files are the same, it isn't absolute as two files with identical data can be created at different times. A better check would be when right-clicking on the file, select 'Properties' and compare the file size; but even this isn't absolute. Use Windows 'Comp' or 'Fc' command in 'Command Prompt' to check if the files are the same. Then there are file comparision programs, such as free 'winMerge' ( http://winmerge.org ) that doesn't need installation ... just run it direct from the exe file (use the 'binary zip package', then read the 'Help' file first).


"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."

Comparing two files

CDNRVER wrote:
Is there some kind of program or utility that allows you to compare two POI files of the same name or category to see if there has been any changes or updates...

A very nice, easy-to-use file compare program is ExamDiff. You can download it for free from several Web sites; just use Google to find the locations.
It presents the two files side by side and highlights the differences.

"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse."


thanks for the suggestions

I mention this for the few

I mention this for the few Unix/Linux folks out there (in case you didn't already know).

There is a command called 'diff' that will compare the two files and show you what's unique to each.

Why don't they just post it

Why don't they just post it on the webpage here of the last updated time?

Previous Version/Current Version.....with the date being the version.

a good compare program is ...

There is a very good compare program called Beyond Compare. The site is WWW.scootersoftware.com

I use it all the time and is a very good app.

Bobkz - Garmin Nuvi 3597LMTHD/2455LMT/C530/C580- "Pain Is Fear Leaving The Body - Semper Fidelis"