Chrome users should update their browser
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 6 years
There is an urgent-need update for the Google Chrome browser to patch a flaw that is reportedly "being exploited in the wild." They don't say exactly what the problem is here, but normally this means that if you use an unpatched version of Chrome and are unlucky enough to click a link to a compromised website, you may be the victim of a malware or ransomware attack or have personal information you use online such as account passwords or credit card numbers compromised.
Automatic rollout may take a while to reach your devices, but you can prompt Chrome to update itself immediately by opening Chrome if it's not running already, clicking the three-dots menu icon in the upper right of the browser by default on a Windows PC, anyway, selecting Help, then About Google Chrome, then waiting for it to download version 105.0.5195.102 and restarting Chrome. It's a quick update on a broadband connection.
Android version
105.0.5195.79 is the latest for Android.
. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .
Chromium 105.0.5195.52 for Ubuntu
Version 105.0.5195.52 (Official Build) snap (64-bit)
seems to be it for Ubuntu
Thanks for the heads up. It
Thanks for the heads up. It updated.
...Automatic rollout may take a while to reach your devices, but you can prompt Chrome to update itself immediately by opening Chrome if it's not running already, clicking the three-dots menu icon in the upper right of the browser by default on a Windows PC, anyway, selecting Help, then About Google Chrome, then waiting for it to download version 105.0.5195.102 and restarting Chrome. It's a quick update on a broadband connection.
Hey, thanks for the heads up. All taken care of.
"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse."
Thank you!
Just updated.
already up to date
I followed the directions you provided, and was advised that I already had the latest version. A version number was provided which matched the one you prescribed.
I guess the automatic rollout works pretty quickly at least in some cases.
personal GPS user since 1992
Thanks for the notice
Fortunately, Chrome isn't on any of my systems. More to the point, nothing made by Alphabet or its child Google is installed on my systems.
Every browser I have, has been configured so it doesn't use Google, Bing, Ebay or Amazon search engines.
If and when I actually am forced into using onr of those search engines, I'm forced to go to enter (, Ebay or ) into the url.
Google's corporate moto / directive is or used to be, "Don't be evil". Yet in my opinion, that's exactly what it's become. I'll not express my thoughts about the others as in my mind the answer, as one of my college professors would say when querried for an explanation about an algorithm was, "Answer should be intuitively obvious, proof left for student!"
Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!
New Update Available
Auto update just took me to version 105.0.5195.102. (09/07/2022)
Garmin nüvi 3597LMTHD, 3760 LMT, & 255LMT, - "Those who wish for fairness without first protecting freedom will end up with neither freedom nor fairness." - Milton Friedman
Thanks for the info!
Thanks for the info!
Thanks for the update!
Be safe!
auto update
My win 10 Chrome is at Version 105.0.5195.102 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA
I second that!
Thanks for the heads up. It updated.
Chrome should do the updates
Chrome should do the updates automatically right?
Maybe, but probably not
Chrome should do the updates automatically right?
In Windows 10, open Chrome and type "chrome://policy" (without the quotes) into the address bar, the hit the enter key. Scroll down to the section named "Google Update Policies" and see if anything is set. Typically, it will state "No policies set" in which case you need to manually trigger the update process.
John from PA
Mine updates automatically
Chrome should do the updates automatically right?
I've had Chrome for years and it's always updated itself without intervention from me. And if memory serves, I never set any parameter to specify auto-update.
"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse."
Chrome should do the updates automatically right?
Auto update is always on by default. You will have to go out of your way to turn off auto update. All modern browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox) auto update is ON by default. However, I find auto update can sometimes be a few days late. I check for updates manually IF I happen to know bad guys are exploiting security flaws.
Checked and mine was on the
Checked and mine was on the latest version. Thanks for the heads up.
Speaking of browsers, anyone
Speaking of browsers, anyone use vivaldi? It's chromium based and has a ton of options.
I did discover one drawback this evening when trying to copy the profile to another computer. Apparently you can't. At least not entirely.
Firefox is my primary browser. With that, it's very simple to replicate the configuration on another pc. Just copy the profile folder after installing the browser. Not so with vivaldi. Items such as passwords and extensions don't copy over.
Chrome is on the pc too, but is used rarely. Mainly for pages that don't load in FF because of strict security.
Chrome is not my default
Chrome is not my default browser. I use mostly Mozilla Firefox.
Thank You....
This is helpful information.
RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot
Sync for me
Firefox is my primary browser. With that, it's very simple to replicate the configuration on another pc. Just copy the profile folder after installing the browser.
Many years ago part of my travel checklist was to copy Firefox configuration files from my daily driver PC to my travel laptop. It was always a bit iffy and messy for me, and I'm grateful to have learned to use the mechanism Firefox provides--Sync. That keeps the two PCs and the laptop that I use always the same.
personal GPS user since 1992
^^Sync, does that use some
^^Sync, does that use some sort of cloud as a medium?
What Mozilla says
^^Sync, does that use some sort of cloud as a medium?
Here are a couple of pages Mozilla, the outfit behind Firefox, posted on Sync, with emphasis on privacy and data security issues.
The nub is that they keep an encrypted copy of your synced stuff on their server, but they can't read it.
personal GPS user since 1992
More info
^^Sync, does that use some sort of cloud as a medium?
John from PA
thanks this is the first I've heard about it.
I don't mind so much having
I don't mind so much having bookmarks/links/settings stored in the cloud. But I draw the line at passwords. That just doesn't site right with me. Just because the terms say it's all Hashed, encrypted, etc, doesn't mean that someone higher up doesn't hold the keys to the castle.
Chrome 105.0.5195.127 update available
This thread was started to suggest updating to Chrome 105.0.5195.102.
Chrome Version 105.0.5195.127 came out I believe today 09/13 Tuesday.
John from PA
There seems to be other
There seems to be other update(s) between .102 and .127
I'm running version 105.0.5195.126 before getting updated to 105.0.5195.127
This thread is useful for those that use Chrome..
My recommendation is to completely remove Googlr Chrome from every device and use browsers such as:
▪︎ DuckDuckgo
• FireFox
• Brave
And be sure to disable the settings for search engines of
• Google
• Bing
• Yahoo
• Amazon
• Ebay
But that's just my personal slant on this..
Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!
This thread was started to suggest updating to Chrome 105.0.5195.102.
Chrome Version 105.0.5195.127 came out I believe today 09/13 Tuesday.
Up to the .127 level.
"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse."
Brave Checkpointing
This thread is useful for those that use Chrome..
My recommendation is to completely remove Googlr Chrome from every device and use browsers such as:
▪︎ DuckDuckgo
• FireFox
• Brave
And be sure to disable the settings for search engines of
• Google
• Bing
• Yahoo
• Amazon
• Ebay
But that's just my personal slant on this..
I tried to make a go of Brave after one of my babies strongly advocated for it. My problem is that under Ubuntu Brave's checkpointing either doesn't work or doesn't exist at all. I don't wish to work that way.
This thread is useful for those that use Chrome..
My recommendation is to completely remove Google Chrome from every device and use browsers such as:
▪︎ DuckDuckgo
• FireFox
• Brave
John from PA
@BarneyBadass No like
No like vivaldi?
On any browser I install, ublockorigin is the first plugin to get installed. That blocks 99.9% of the ads, hopefully some of the tracking garbage too.
me too
No like vivaldi?
On any browser I install, ublockorigin is the first plugin to get installed. That blocks 99.9% of the ads, hopefully some of the tracking garbage too.
I use uBlock Origin as well, works great, especially in concert with Malwarebytes.
. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .